My Bunnygirl (Fred x Reader)

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A/N: Small disclaimer: This one-shot might not make sense and may be terrible. Anyways, you are Y/N Lily Potter. You are the same age as Fred and George and a Gryffindor. This takes place in your 5th year (Harry's 3rd). So, you've been living with the Weasleys ever since your parents died. Dumbledore thought it would be best to separate you and Harry. Molly and Arthur refused to let you call them Mum and Dad and told you to call them Aunt Molly and Uncle Arthur.  


"Aunt Molly, it's fine", I say, "Really." Aunt Molly shakes her head as she finishes wrapping up my ankle. 

"Those two should learn that their pranks can hurt other people", Aunt Molly grumbles. She stands up satisfied with the bandages and starts towards the stairs. I get up limping as fast as I can. 

"Seriously Aunt Molly, I'm okay", I say. 

"Y/N, you don't have to protect them all the time", Aunt Molly says, "They do it, they have to deal with the consequences."


"No buts. Now go finish packing for Egypt." I sigh and follow her up and into the room I shared with Ginny. 

----Mini Time Skip: 30 minutes later---- 

"It's open", I say as Fred and George peek in. 

"Your mum's lecture finally over?"

"That woman can yell and lecture for hours", George sighs dramatically plopping himself on Ginny's bed. I roll my eyes and fix the bandage that started to come loose. 

"What happened to your ankle?", Fred asks sitting down on my bed. He places his hand over my foot.

"Your loose floorboard trap happened", I reply. George sits up and shares a look with Fred. 

"Poor bunnygirl", Fred coos as he sits next to me. He wraps his arm around my shoulders. 

"Why do you always call me bunnygirl?"

"Because you're shy and cute like a bunny and you're a girl." I blush and look away.

"It's stupid."

"You love it though."

"Why'd you guys loosen the floorboard anyway?"

"That was meant for Ron, N/N", George says, "Payback for eating our chocolate frogs." 

"You guys are so childish sometimes."

"But you love us anyway."

"I know."

"Fred! George! Y/N! Dinner!", Ginny hollers at the top of her lungs. 

"She sounds a lot like Mum", the twins groan. 

"Coming!", I yell back. I move to stand but Fred stops me. 

"Hop on my back, bunnygirl", Fred demands. 


"It's our fault you got hurt." I roll my eyes and get on his back. George follows us out and we make our way to the dinner table. 

"Hogwarts", Uncle Arthur says handing the three of us letters. George helps me off Fred's back and onto my spot in between them. 

"I'm Head Boy!", Percy beams. 

"Second Head Boy in the family!", Aunt Molly squeals as Uncle Arthur claps Percy on the back. Fred, George, and I share a look before opening our letters. A red badge falls out of mine. 

"Mum! Y/N's been made prefect!", Ginny says picking up the badge. She hands it to me as Aunt Molly wraps me up in a hug. 

"Fourth prefect in the family!", she beams as she squeezes me tighter. 

"Fourth in the family?", I question. 

"Yes Y/N dear, fourth in the family!", Aunt Molly says, "You may be a Potter but you're also a Weasley."


"Y/N, you've lived with us for 12 years of your life! You're a Weasley!", Uncle Arthur says. 

"Especially if you marry Fred", Ginny and Ron say smirking. I feel myself starting to blush. I glance at Fred from the corner of my eye. His face is as red as his hair. 

"Ron! Ginny!"

----Time Skip: 4 Months Later----

Fred's POV

"M-Malfoy, I wouldn't do that if I were you", Y/N mumbles. Malfoy ignores her and continues levitating the first year up a tree. 


"Shut up Potter!", Malfoy snaps. Y/N sighs and takes her wand out. She casts Expelliarmus causing Malfoy's wand to fly to her hand. She quickly casts another levitating spell and slowly lowers the first year down. The little Gryffindor hugs Y/N before running off. 

"Here Malfoy", Y/N says throwing his wand at him, "Detention with Professor Flitwick this Friday and 10 points from Slytherin." 

"You can't do that!", Malfoy protests. 

"Actually I can", Y/N mumbles, "I'm a prefect." Malfoy bursts out laughing. 

"You a prefect?", he chokes out, "You can't even answer a simple question in class!" 

"How would you know that, Malfoy?", Y/N asks.

"Snape complains about that stupid Potter girl! Nothing like her mother! Can't answer the simplest questions!", Malfoy replies mocking Snape. I move to stand. George places a hand on my shoulder.

"Y/N can handle herself", he whispers.

"That's enough, Malfoy", Y/N says, "You don't want another detention, do you?" 

"What for Potter?", Malfoy demands.

"Disrespecting a professor, Malfoy!", Y/N says, "Even if it is Snape!" Malfoy scowls and nods towards Crabbe and Goyle. Crabbe and Goyle advance towards Y/N. Goyle shoves her and Crabbe kicks her. Y/N hugs herself as Crabbe gets ready to kick again. 

"Hey!", I yell. The three third years turn towards me. 

"Fred, don't kill them", George whispers, "Malfoy needs to be at the Quidditch match so I can hit a bludger at him."

"What Weasley?", Malfoy asks. 

"Leave my bunnygirl alone."

"Your bunnygirl?", Malfoy says, "You mean Potter?" He kicks Y/N. 

"Leave my bunnygirl alone or else!", I threaten. Malfoy kicks her again. I rush at him tackling him to the ground. I land punch after punch on Malfoy. George pulls me off and I rush to Y/N. 

"Fred", she says sitting up and looking at Malfoy, "You know I have to give you detention for that."

"No you won't", I say, "You love me too much to give me detention." Y/N blushes. 

"You're right. I do love you too much to give you detention." I blush. 

"You do?"

"I do."

"Like in a you wanna marry me love?"

"Yeah like a I wanna marry you love." I smile and lean down to kiss her. She places a finger on my lips. 

"Why'd you beat up Malfoy?", Y/N asks. 

"Because he hurt my bunnygirl", I say, "And nobody hurts my bunnygirl." Y/N laughs and kisses me again. 

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