The Dark Lady (Y/N Potter) Pt. 3

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A/N: This is part three of the Dark Lady. You are Y/N Lily Potter, Harry's younger twin sister. You're a Slytherin. Draco's been your best friend since you were eleven.


"The chosen one will vanquish the Dark Lord. The Dark Lord will die at the hands of the one he marked as his equal. From his ashes, a new evil will rise," Bellatrix sings cheerfully. She loops her arm through Lucius' and the two skip around Y/N, who now stands in front of Harry.

"The overlooked twin will rule with an iron fist. All good in the magical world will disappear as evil will rule the Wizarding World," sings Lucius, joining in.

"The chosen one's shadow will be more powerful than the Dark Lord himself," they sing together. Everyone watches in horror as Y/N laughs with the two Death Eaters.

"What does that even mean?" Harry asks. Y/N's face strips of all joy and she fixes her brother with a dark glare. She walks swiftly towards him, grabbing a fistful of his shirt. Dragging his face towards hers, she looks him in the eyes.

"It means I'm not Y/N Potter anymore," she says. "It means I'm the Dark Lady now!" Y/N shoves him away from her and tilts her head back, laughing. Smoke surrounds her again, and when it disappears, Y/N is gone. Harry looks around and realizes all the Death Eaters are gone too.

"Harry, what does this mean?" Hermione asks. Harry looks around at the crowd. Every face is watching him, solemnly. Harry sighs and looks at the sky.

"The war's not over yet."


"My Lady," Bellatrix says, bowing as I enter the dining room. I give her a tight smile as I approach Narcissa and Lucius who are eating lunch. Lucius immediately stands up from the head of the table and bows. 

"Here My Lady," he says, ushering me to take his seat. I let out a small sigh and make my way over to him. As soon as I sit down, Lucius pushes my chair in and Narcissa offers me a plate a house elf handed her. I smile, accepting it gratefully. Bellatrix joins us, sitting down across from Narcissa. The door opens again, causing us to look up to find Draco. He stares at me in surprise. I smile brightly at him, waving him over to sit on my right. He obeys and Narcissa has the house elf fix him a plate. 

"What are you doing?" Draco whispers as soon as the adults aren't paying attention. 

"Whatever do you mean, Draco?" He fixes me with a small glare as I raise my wine glass to my mouth. 

"We both know this isn't what you want," Draco mumbles. "Y/N, we both know that all you've ever wanted is for your brother to love you." I fight back a flinch as his words cut through my heart. Trying to seem unfazed, I look over at Draco as I place my glass down. 

"I don't know what you're talking about, Dray." Draco gives me an exasperated look as Lucius turns his attention over to us. 

"My Lady, have you given any thought to my idea of where we should attack next?" Bellatrix looks over at us, her interest piqued. I avoid Draco's disapproving look as I shake my head at Lucius. 

"No, I haven't had the time," I say. "Narcissa has kept me busy with expanding my wardrobe and working on my public image." Bellatrix and Lucius look over at Narcissa with unimpressed looks to which she just shrugs. 

"She has a reputation to uphold and a legacy to continue," she says. "She needs to, and quite frankly, she deserves to dress like royalty." Lucius grumbles as he shoves a spoonful of potatoes into his mouth, deciding that arguing with his wife isn't worth the headache. Bellatrix, however, decides that an argument is exactly what she needs this afternoon. 

"She needs to focus on rising up with a bang, Cissy," she says, pushing her peas around with her spoon. "She needs to bring Harry Potter to his knees." Draco looks over at me, trying to get my attention. I sigh, knowing that if we don't have this talk now then it'll just get worse. I stand. The table immediately quiets down as all eyes focus on me. 

"Draco and I are excused." I grab Draco's arm, pulling him up as I begin to start walking away from the table. I feel everyone watching us as we reach the door. Draco's back is uncharacteristically straight until the door to the dinning room shuts behind us. 


"Draco, I know you think that I'm just feeling forced into this, but this is what I want," I say, looking at him. 

"No, you don't."


"No, Y/N, you don't want any of this and you know it," Draco says, grabbing my hands to keep me from covering my face. "You aren't evil and this isn't what you want. You just want to be loved the way Harry is loved."

"I am loved, Draco."

"You're feared not loved." 

"Draco, what's the difference?" I say. "I'm finally not invisible anymore. I'm finally being noticed instead of living in Harry's shadow. I can live with being feared as well as love because I'm finally somebody. This is what I've always wanted." 

"Y/N, this isn't the only way to be seen." 

"I tried everything else. This is the only way now." I try to pull my hands out of his grasp, but he won't let me. "My own brother chose his best friend over me, Draco. He didn't love me and now I have people who do." 


"I'm somebody, Draco, even if I don't entirely love who she is." 

"Stop being stubborn and listen to me," Draco begs. "Don't do this. Don't let the war drag on." 

"There's no going back now." 


"Enough, Draco," I snap. "You don't understand what it was like to live in Harry's shadow. You don't understand what it was like to be unimportant and unloved." His hands cup my face as he brings his face closer to mine. 

"You haven't been unloved from the moment we met," he whispers. "And I promise that as long as I'm still breathing, you'll never be unloved. Understand?" I nod and he kisses my forehead. 

"Do you really want to go through with this? Do you really want to be the Dark Lady?" I place my hand over his and nod. 

"I want to do this, Draco. This is my revenge. The Dark Lady is who Y/N Potter is now." He sighs and kisses me on the forehead again. 

"If this is what you want, I'm with you." I smile, laughing as Draco holds me. 

"Let the war continue," I whisper, leaning up to kiss him on the lips. "There's no stopping me now."

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