Chapter 83

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(All translations where found on a translator website called fun translations, I take no credit of this)

Tur- cin hear i thúl, nienor?
Tur- cin see i birds bowing ennas heads in dimb?
Baw, cin ped-?
Than im pitui cin, fuin tur- gal- ú- movement, ú- a hu.
Ha tur- creep into i minds -o adan plural edain, mythical, magical a i -o Elven núr alike. But ha takes a gweg -o golodh plural gelydh, ú- -o polodren willed, na change a coming current,
baw ron how large a delu.

In English:
Can you hear the wind, mourning?
Can you see the birds bowing there heads in sadness?
No, you say?
Than I pity you, darkness can grow without movement, without a voice.
It can creep into the minds of man, mythical, magical and that of Elven race alike.
But it takes a person of wisdom, not of strong willed, to change a coming current, no matter how large and deadly.

Two things where certain for Senate Cassius, two most shameful things he had ever done in his entire life, for what...............for a flicker of human greed and selfishness of everlasting life.

Ha, he thought to himself as you looked over the bustling market streets of Pompeii, he envied the poor people of Pompeii.
Yes, they where born poor and will probably die poor, but at least they didn't have dangers of becoming like himself, a greedy human wanting more than he had.
The poor people of Pompeii, valued life and family, knowing one day because of who they where, that they wouldn't have the pleasure of being healed quickly if they caught a disease or illness.
So making the most of the present with there families, to them it was a gift more precious than gold itself.

Now looking at the smiling faces of those poor families he had once pitied, for the very first time in his 28 years of living, he had regretted his life choices, of seeking eternal life and ignoring family, until he got caught up in his greed, that he never realised his family had died of old age and that his wife and children had finally left him. Oh how stupid something that he hungered for so long, needed for so long, now looked like sand, flavourless and gritty and no use to anyone.
With a heavy heart, he shut the doors to his bedroom with a heavy sigh, it didn't matter anymore. Pompeii would soon be under ash and smoke soon.
Not realising it would be sooner than he thought.
                                                          The Elven council

The Elven Council was held in 'The Citadel of the two Weeping Mountains', commonly known because of the two white mountains that from a human eye, looked like they where cut in half longways with waterfalls flowing down into a clear almost crystal like lake with the Citadel on the grassy banks.
The Citadel was on the outskirts of a little town of Nyfalin of the Elven realm of Infalean and was the home of The Silent Forest Elves, there Lord Agando ruled these lands.
No human had stepped into this realm and Lord Agando liked it that way, when visiting his old but strange friend Lord Finnonn, he tolerated the humans that made there home in Lord Finnon's realm, but he would never take interest or even offer sanctuary to them coming to his realm....well unless it was deadly serious.

Lord Finnonn, breathed out a long sigh, as he looked up at the glistening marble meeting hall of the Citadel.
When he went to the human realm to help open the door to the saviour of the universe, he wasn't excepting to become exhausted and unable to open the doorway on his own. But who was he kidding, the doorway was shut with the most powerful and the most ancient of magic, older than the universe herself.

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