Chapter 79- the music of the soul

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It's a dangerous game that (Y/N) chooses to play I note. A dangerous game that had started the moment she'd offered a prize of Kookie's choice, dangerous that she'd left him to choose and dangerous that he'd chosen to take his prize in the form of a kiss. A kiss from the same lips that had once been silent and shut, endless stories trying to escape them, the same rosy lips I had known and seen and watched become more and more expressive, had become a reflection of the words she'd wanted to say but hadn't been able to. And the same lips that had parted so sweetly under Jin hyung and then Kookie and had emerged bitten-red, swollen and slick, an enticing distracting sight which had become even more dizzyingly attractive when they'd parted in laughter, a silent smile that had grew and spread across her lips as she watched the others grab and tickle Kookie, a pang of something so deep and meaningful flashing across her face as she watched. And those same rosy swollen lips that had pressed tightly together when Hobi had turned to drag her into the mess, hands darting over her to tickle and the same lips that had parted in breathless giggles as she twisted to escape, the sound of her joy finally joining the others.

"She'll be fine won't she?" Jin hyung murmurs from beside me, drawing me with a start to turn to him, having become so engrossed in the scene unfolding that I hadn't noticed he'd stopped to watch on with a smile curling his lips wide.

My eyes turn back to her, to the way Joon's hands automatically darted out reaches to stabilise her curving back as she shied away from Hobi's relentless attack, watched as he secured her only to hold her captive so Hobi could continue and the betrayed look she shoot, an indignant cry of 'Namjoon' joining the hum of sound.

I can't stop the smile that stretches across my lips as I watch.

"She'll be just fine. I feel it." I reply.

And with that knowledge that settles in my heart, a deep innately-rooted reassurance that (Y/N) would be fine, I turn to continue helping with breakfast, unable to stop smiling as the chaos behind only increases and doesn't lessen, (Y/N)'s voice and breathless giggles mingling in and merging perfectly, naturally with theirs.

Filling the space she was always meant to.

Filling the space that had been waiting for her.

Filling the space we hadn't even known existed until she came along.

And after breakfast there's an unwillingness that clings to everyone as (Y/N) stands up with Kookie to help do the dishes, uncertainty as we wonder what to do next, hoping that she doesn't want to leave.

Wanting her there simply because we enjoyed her presence, enjoyed having her near, being near to her and spending time with her.

That as she draws the rubber gloves off and turns to face us, her eyes are sweetly apologetic, almost as if she can sense the shift in the air.

"I should..." she begins at the same time a few others speak up at the same time.

"Can you stay?"

"We can do something together."

"Spend the day with us?"

She pauses, face melting into a look of adorable endearment.

"Stay?" she echoes.

Joon is the first to nod eagerly.

"There's so much I want to talk to you about, so much I want to show you!" he says with a dimpled smile, equally bashful and excited.

Our adorable giant.

She smiles equally as endearingly, eyes sparking with a warmth.

"I'd like that." She replies sweetly.

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