Chapter 93- drawn back to it again and again

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There's the sound of soft giggles before hands slide around my eyes, shutting away the sight of the screen from me. Soft fingertips pressing to my face and my hands reach out to slide around wrists, tugging at them to draw the person closer from where they stand behind me, feeling a head slot beside mine, the ticklish sensation of hair brushing against the side of my face and neck.

"You think I wouldn't recognise those giggles just about anywhere?" I ask, lips quirked up with fondness as I turn to press kisses to the inside of the wrists.

Trailing my lips down one arm and smiling when her arm trembles, a small hitch of breath.

She was always so responsive.

And every sound she'd made from the first time she'd begun making them, every single one of them were burned across my mind, every sound she continued to make was added to them.

But she remains silent.


"(Y/N)...aein, I know it's you. Now can I see my pretty girl before she whisks me away on a date?" I say with a fond sigh.

Her fingers slide away and when I turn it's to see her peering at me over my shoulder, face lit up and hair falling forward as she turns to look at me.

I lean upwards towards her lips for a kiss, smiling against them when she leans in too, head bent towards me, fingers brushing the back of my head, winding into my curls and nails lightly trailing across my scalp. A touch that's light and distracting, fingers sinking into my hair as she kisses back, lips light and gentle on mine.

Then she leans away, hand moving to tuck a strand behind her ear.

Eyes sparkling with excitement as she looks at me.

"Ready Tae?" she asks.

"Ready! I've been waiting for this moment for what feels like forever." I say, eyes bright.

She tucks herself closer against my back, peering at the screen from over my chair.

Looking at my work that was still open and I look at her.

Look at the way her lips curve up and part, see the way her eyes drift over my work slowly. And watch as she turns her eyes back to me.

Eyes brighter and shining with something hidden, something more in them. Fierce love and pride pouring out of the way she looks at me.

"Forever's a long time~ you'd age if you waited that long. But you look the same." She muses, fingers light as they trail over my face. My eyes flutter at the delicate touches, leaning into her touch as she traces the slope of my nose, traces over my cheeks, my shut eyelids, press a kiss to her fingertips when they brush across my lips.

"That's part of my charm. I didn't age despite waiting forever for you." I breathe, eyes opening to see strong emotion swim in her eyes, leaning down to press the lightest touch of her lips to mine.

"No need to wait forever. It already feels like I've waited that long to find you Tae. Now let me reclaim all those centuries. Let me make up for lost time." She murmurs. Words a soft whisper, a gentle lilt to them. Eyes full of promise and meaning.

"Please do. Take me back in time." I murmur.


My eyes are wide as (Y/N) tugs me along, hand laced together with mine, expression giddy and just as exuberant as she leads me through towards the dressing rooms. My eyes drift over every detail, marvelling at how each exterior captures the essence of the time period, how there's endless racks of clothes bursting out. Rich jewel tones, muted colours, bold patterns and cuts, a veritable treasure chest that was just begging, enticing for us to dive in, to lose ourselves in the history that they spoke of.

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