Chapter 116- surprise me

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"So... do I get to know what exactly I walked in on, or would I like the surprise do you think?" I ask, leaning over (Y/N)'s shoulder, peering at her rolling out her chilled pastry dough, her head briefly turning to peer at me with wry amusement.

"Depends. Do you like surprises?" body pressing back to mine when my arm winds around her waist, lips brushing across her ear and ducking down to press to skin, brief pecks trailing down her nape before she wriggles, eyes alight with laughter. My eyes drag across the array of marks that aren't quite hidden anymore, hair tied back as it always is in the kitchens, drawing my eyes and others to the bitten marks colouring her skin.

"Jin! This isn't your kitchen. You can't get handsy." She laughs, voice still a hushed whisper and her amusement slipping out in pealing bubbles of laughter that she can't quite bite back.

Her amusement and giddy radiance is infectious. And even with the distance between each kitchens, the separated workspaces, eyes turn in curiosity towards the sound, smiling unconsciously in response to (Y/N)'s happiness.

"Can't I? I'm waiting for you to roll your pastry out first!" I laugh, watching her brows rise as she looks at me, eyes narrowing playfully.

Her hips nudge mine, trying to free herself from my arms and weight curling around her, half pinning her to the counter.

"You have your own counter and your own rolling pin Jin! We need to get them in at the same time."

I let my arm around her loosen, sighing as I drag myself away, moving to turn when a smatter of flour dusts my cheek and the incriminating hand liberally covered in it cups my jaw, smearing it across with the pad of her thumb.

Laughter in her eyes and fondness in the curl of her lips when I press mine to hers, leaning over to dab a smear of it across her nose.

"All flowery now."

The warm bubble of laughter is rich and intoxicating, enthralling in a way that has a pleasant warmth seeping through my bones, smile tugging wider at her amusement as she nudges me gently.

"So charming as always... want to come over afterwards?" she asks.

My fingers linger at her hips, squeezing tight before I slip away.

"Don't feel like sharing me? I don't blame you baby."

I drawl, feel her smile follow me even as I slip away to my own worktop, rolling out the pastry with the same deftness she works with, eyes flickering to her and watching her smile curve deeper, sensing my gaze.

"If you keep looking at me like that Jin we might not make it home."

There's a slow burning heat in her words and embers pooled in her eyes as she lets her gaze drag over me, examining and intense in a way that makes heat curl in my gut.

I let my eyes linger on hers, on the way she turns back and continues lining her pastry tin, gaze dragging to the sway of her hips when she moves to set her first bake in, lips curving with a knowing glint.

"Or do you think you're not even going to wait until we get a pie out of it?"

I shrug my shoulders.

"If you're planning on bedding me sweetheart, why don't you wine and dine me too?"

"If you hurry and get done then maybe I'll wine and dine and bed you." Voice lilting, dropping to a quiet hush, a murmured whispered tease when eyes curiously flicker over from the adjacent kitchen.

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