Chapter 47- just dance

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(Y/N) POV:

I stare at myself at the mirror torn between exasperation at letting Mi-sun unnie have her way and being trussed up, at her mercy as her eternal doll or fond amusement when I see her beaming at me, her own make-up done and yet to get dressed but she's focused on my reaction. On my verdict.

"I love it. Thank you." I say sincerely and turn to hug her, her arms wounding around me to squeeze me tightly.

"You look beautiful. Own it my love." She whispers in my ear before releasing me, glancing at the clock before she hurriedly unties the knot to her dressing gown, revealing her underwear-clad self to me as she rushes to pull on her dress, tight, hugging her curves and gliding sensually across her skin.

"Do me up?" she asks, turning to reveal her exposed back, and I nod stepping forward and carefully gliding the zip upwards, the shape of the dress making itself known when it stops slightly low, revealing a generous expanse of smooth honeyed skin.


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"Done." I say, patting her back. She nods, stepping forward to thread delicate earrings into her piercings, the light catching on them, drawing attention to her face, to the fierce gorgeous beauty she is. She's intentionally done her hair up, loose tendrils escaping to curl enticingly against the slender curve of her neck, the nape of her neck exposed, allowing for eyes to linger and draw down.

"Maybe someone will get lucky tonight." I muse, eyeing the image of seduction she makes. 

She grins, satin lipstick lips spread wide.

"I don't might be stealing all the eyes tonight." She says, turning to run an appreciative eye over me, over the mastery she's done with the clothes, hair, and makeup.

I shake my head.

"Not planning to. I'm going for the dancing, and to see which poor yet lucky soul you draw in tonight." I tease.

Mi-sun unnie wouldn't even need to try to get someone.

I know and she knows just how well she draws eyes to her, how to move to entice and how her sweet saccharine smile is enough to trap someone in the essence of her.

But if that's how she likes blowing off steam, how she likes losing herself and all her worries for some time, then that's her choice. Even if she returns to clamber into my arms the next day, tucking herself in small- makeup gone, mask gone and once again my sweet unnie who just like us, hurts.

There's a knock at the door.

"Knock knock." Habaek oppa says as he opens the door entering looking completely at ease in the clothes Mi-sun unnie dumped in his arms and told him to wear.

He too like Mi-sun unnie seems to embody desire, tall muscled frame captured perfectly in the clothes he's wearing. He fills the clothes perfectly, the shape of them moulded to his long legs and muscled torso and arms.

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