Chapter 48- a cocktail of emotions

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"Where did Kookie go?" I ask when it's been some time and he still hasn't returned to where the rest of us are, talking and dancing- sharing heated glances and burning lips that scorch as we try to get close, hands trailing over each other with unbridled want, the need to get closer only mounting and growing with each passing moment.

"He went to get a drink; he should be back by now." Hobi hyung murmurs in my ear, teeth catching at the lobe of my ear, scraping, and tugging lightly at my piercing. I shudder, loosening in his arms as he spins me, my back pressed to his chest, feeling every defined muscled shift as he pulls me further into him, bodies swaying and moving together.

And when the song finishes and I'm close to being a needy heated mess in hyung's arms, Jiminie is just about to go search for him, Jin hyung keeps on shooting concerned eyes around, trying to find him in the sea of bodies, in the mass crowd of pleasure, intoxication and inebriation.

Then Kookie storms through the crowd, body easily sliding past others, brushing a hand or two that linger and try to catch him, reel him in- but he's unaffected, eyes solely on us as he makes his way back.

"Kookie what took you so—" I start, delighted at his return, and suddenly silenced by the fierce passionate claim of my lips with his, hungry, fiery, and consuming as he pins me further into Hobi hyung, caging me with his body and sandwiching me between the two, a delicious mess and entangled heated limbs. My hands slide up to his nape, entangling into the wavy mess of dark locks, tugging him close, tongue sliding over to brush across his lips, gasping when he kisses harder, deeper tongue demanding and claiming as he pulls me close, trying to consume my mouth with his, tongue firm and relentless as he claims my mouth.

He slides his lips away almost unwillingly, staring at me with eyes that glisten and pool with want, intoxicating and enthralling.

"So gorgeous hyung, so beautiful I had to." He mumbles, his voice still his usual sweet soft tone, looking almost bashful and shy now. I grin, capturing his waist between my hands and keeping him there, anchored to me.

"My beautiful baby." I murmur.

And then the connection, that fiery spark is shattered and interrupted by Hobi hyung, almost punishingly tugging me into him, hips grounding onto mine.

"Teasing babies, no love for your hyung." He asks, voice low and eyes dark, capturing Kookie's lips in a much sweeter, slower kiss as he cups his face tenderly.

And when their lips part, Kookie's eyes are almost blown wide open, lips mussed and plump.

"What took you so long?" Jiminie asks, appearing behind him, hands gently lacing over his waist, pressing a kiss to his neck.

He merely shrugs, mumbling incoherently and allows Jiminie to twirl him around, take his hand and lead him into the centre of our small huddle, the rest of us moving back to watch. But I find myself tugged towards the two, find myself wanting to guide Kookie's hips, to trap his small waist in my hands and guide him into swaying for me. Want to press myself against Jiminie's back and press kisses to his exposed neck, decorated alluringly with delicate chains. 

Kookie is more than happy to have the two of us urging him to move, allowing us to snake our arms around him possessively- he's oblivious to the lustful glances the crowd shoots at him, at the enticing image he makes, feeling warm and possessive at the sight of the beautiful boy we have in our arms, who has eyes only for us, torn between looking at Jiminie and turning back to press kisses across my jaw.

"Where did you vanish baby?" I ask again, whispering into his ear.

He rests his head against my shoulder.

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