Chapter 22- learning truths and making connections

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The room becomes thick with unanswered questions, confusion and surprise making everyone of us turn and shift to face each other. Hobi shares a confused look with me but I can also feel a bubbling sense of excitement too, the nervous anticipation that maybe, just maybe we all have met and known the same (Y/N) this entire time.

"I think we need to start at the very beginning. Who wants to start?" I say, shifting upwards a bit and bracketing Hobi more securely in my arms, he leans into the touch.

Tae is the first one to speak up.

"I met her in the library when I went along with Joonie hyung. She was sitting in those tucked away nooks and for some reason I felt that she was approachable, different. And then I met her a few times- at the park when I'd gone with Tannie and then a third time at the library. And the fourth was today at the arcade." He speaks up, deep voice alight with excitement and joy, an unconscious smile on his face as he recalls the several instances he's met her. Perhaps the one who's met her the most I realise with surprise.

"I umm...accidentally fell on her...when I was walking Tannie at night. Umm and then at the park when Tae-ah called me over and then a third time when I found out that she knows the man I'm working with." I add, speaking up. My admission has mixed reactions but everyone expresses shock and amused exasperation.

"You knocked her over?"

"You injured her?"

"Classic cute Joonie!"

I ducky my head sheepishly, briefly hiding behind Hobi's shoulder but he turns and laughs, kissing the tip of my nose.

"Yah Joon-ah, I hope you apologised and checked if she was injured!" Jin hyung says from the other end, looking incredulous and when I nod, he shifts back slightly appeased and begins talking.

"Well I met her when we returned from our trip to the sea...when we stopped to pick up groceries..." he begins his words interjected by Hobi and Yoongi hyung.

"That long ago?!" Yoongi hyung asks with disbelief as he twists to face him. The others show similar shock.

Maybe he'd been the first one to meet her then, I figure.

He nods but then glares for being interrupted.

"And then I met her at the baking classes I've just started. She's my baking partner." He confesses.

Everyone turns, loudly reacting to how good her baking is, throwing in a few teasing comments along the way and when hyung speaks up again it's with red-tipped ears.

"Yah! And then...I met her at Yoongi's store. I didn't expect to see her there, I was off to drop lunch off." He muses, nudging Yoongi hyung so he can begin talking.

"Ahh...she's the wandering soul I mentioned from the Magic Shop." Hyung shyly admits, cheeks coloured a soft pink.

"Aigoo...hyung is just a softie. She's the one you mentioned who had such a deep connection with music?" Jiminie asks, leaning forward interest and intrigued- eyes intently trained on hyung.

He nods.

"I've met her again at the shop when Jin hyung came over and also when I went out to pick strawberries." He murmurs.

Tae sits up straight, betrayed and wounded.

"Ahh hyung! You should've taken me with you, I bet she looked adorable." He muses almost wilted and droopy-like, looking dejected at the idea of having missed out. Jin hyung too turns in surprise.

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