Chapter 92- stuck in the past

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It's Yoongi hyung who grabs up the offer when (Y/N) says with a sad, petulant twist to her lips that she should get going, jumping up to declare he'll drive her back, eyes soft and tender when she meets his gaze, pinked cheeks and so soft in Jiminie's oversized shirt, such a stark difference to the seductive siren she'd been earlier on. Body splayed confidently and parted before us, clothes rucked up to show the very thorough marks Jiminie had left behind on her.

It had sparked a restlessness in me, a consuming want when I'd seen Jiminie slot himself over her, between her, had seen the look of satisfaction under hooded eyes, had seen a sureness and pleasure in the way he kept himself over her, roved his hands over her skin with a liberty, a confidence that suggested that last night had allowed him to familiarise himself to every inch of her.

And it had felt right to see the way pleasure flashed across her face, the way she'd easily given in to it, assured and comfortable between all seven of us, head falling to the side and meeting my gaze, an entrancing piercing look that had tugged me closer, had silently ensnared me.

I knew I hadn't been the only one to read the ease and comfort in her, the way that rather than become flustered she'd given as good as she'd gotten, twisting herself around to pin Jiminie to the cushioning, triumphant and mischievous.

Fiddling with his clothes to reveal that he was just as marked, just as claimed as she was.

And I'd be lying if I said that the show of strength and tease when she'd flipped them around, changing their positions, hadn't send a bolt of excitement to rush through me. She was someone who liked playing and toying, that was clear with the way thrilled delight made her eyes dance over him, over the rest of us.

And when she'd clambered off him to dart behind Jin hyung, it was amusement that she looked at Jiminie with, atmosphere turning light with the beaming smile she gave, laughing but going without protest when Jin hyung swept her into his arms, drawing her to tug onto his lap.

And there she'd stayed, giggling when he leaned in to whisper something, brushing his lips across her hair, the curve of her cheek, her neck, hands large and gripping her waist, head hooked over her shoulder.

Stayed there even as Tae, huffed and moved to the consoles, head cocked as he asked if she'd like to play.

It was clear he'd been hoping she'd clamber off Jin hyung's lap to sprawl beside him, which she did after Jin hyung clung on for a few minutes longer, but he'd underestimated the sight.

Of having her sprawled on her stomach, shirt riding higher to show the edge of black boxers as she'd leant past him to choose a controller. Unfazed and unaware likely of the effect the sight had.

Of the way her legs unconsciously crossed, ankles touching and legs kicking before they settled up above her, revealing the low of her back.

"What game? It's been a while since I've played them actively with Habaek oppa?" she says distractedly, fingers brushing over the games, head cocked as she examines them.

Kookie is next to slide off the couch, fingers subtle and careful as he tugs her shirt down silently, covers the sight of the black peeping out with pink cheeks and a gaze that is focused and drawn to her face, playfully rolling onto her other side and knocking her laced legs with an easy grin.

Her legs unravel to playfully kick back, falling down as she turns to face him, a matching grin on her face.

"I thought you said you'd never compete against me~ what's changed Kookie?" she quips.

He shrugs his shoulders easily, a toothy grin and nose scrunch as he leans in, face close to hers.

"I figured if you've not played why not gamble it all?" he says easily.

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