Chapter 62- and neither can you work them out

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(Y/N) POV:

I watch with growing nausea as the three of them step close, finally reaching us- feeling as if they'd travelled an infinity and yet no time or space at all to get here.

"Habaek ssi, I didn't know you visited this gym too!" Namjoon says first, breaking the silent eye-contact made through the mirror reflection. I expect Habaek oppa to put me down when he smiles in greeting at Namjoon, but rather turns slowly, hands still tightly supporting me and cradling me towards his muscled torso, his bare arms shifting slightly.

"Ahh Namjoon. Maybe our timings just don't match. But I haven't been here regularly enough. Whenever I manage to escape the two of them really. But (Y/N) might look like my cute kitten, but she's got claws when she doesn't want to let go." He says jokingly, lips stretched in an easy laughing smile, eyes twinkling with mischief when he looks at me.

Knowing I'm not about to refute that verbally.

But it's not a lie.

When I'm cuddling or curled up next to him and he tries to leave, I latch on- hands trying to wrap around those muscled bulging biceps and wheedling him into staying.

But he doesn't need to call me out on it. In front of the three of them. My cheeks warm when I avert my eyes from Namjoon's soft smile, dropping down and then becoming distracted with the sculpt of his arms, curved biceps and lean muscle all on slightly glistening golden skin. It's such a distracting sight and I can feel the heat in my cheeks climb.

"Ahh the three of you are here together? Is (Y/N) your personal gym equipment, or is she available to swipe away for a few moments?" Jungkook asks, voice a mixture of softness and the fiery upfront side of him that I'm used to.

And when my eyes rake over him, see the contradiction of how he drowns in his black t-shirt in an endearing way and yet his chest and shoulders fill it out perfectly I feel my heart twist with a confusing mixture of longingness and want as well as slight trepidation. This is the same person I saw Hobi kiss, cradle close like he was the most precious person alive, the same person I'd seen Jimin's hands linger on and yet also the same man who'd approached me at the arcade, at the swimming pool, at the club- the man who'd become my anchor, my safety rope and kept me tethered. This was the man who'd as easily as he'd been soft comfortability for me, had nestled in my heart and made himself a comfortable spot there too.

"Hmm well...I rather think she's a personal, rare special equipment piece. A one piece only creation. I'm rather fond of her. Don't like sharing...but because I owe you several thanks Jungkook, I'll let her go this once." Habaek oppa says, seemingly contemplating. But his words seem to go beyond the level of conversation happening now, have more meaning and hidden messages in them. Have somehow become a message, a warning. I pick up on the slightest edge in his voice, at the way his voice lowers slightly and that despite his soft smile, there's a protective fire flickering in those brown eyes.

As if somehow Habaek oppa was giving him permission to sweep me away not from him right now, not only this, but of an offer of something more. Of a one chance only offer.

And it makes my heart squeeze with unbearable love and tenderness for his care, for his way of putting me first.

He slowly sets me down, hands slowly retreating from the back of my thighs and my back, his body a line of heat behind me as his hands squeeze the tops of my shoulders, a silent message in them. A promise that he's near. That all I need to do is make one sign. And without asking questions. Without stopping to justify- he'll take me away from here.

My hand briefly squeezes his hand on my right shoulder before stepping forward and I shoot Jungkook a small smile, surprised by the way his face splits into an adorable smile, nose scrunching slightly and that without hesitation he grabs my hand, lacing our fingers together.

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