Chapter 11- dancing with soul

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(Y/N) POV:

I wake up in Habaek oppa's room, his body curled around mine protectively, arms holding me close. Small streams of sunlight filter through a crack in the drawn curtains, casting a soft light around the room. I wake to a conflicted feeling; my heart yearns to accept what Habaek oppa had said, talked to me about last night- my heart whispering that it wouldn't be too selfish to allow myself to be happy from time to time but my mind was strong in its intent to drive in the hard, cold facts. The truth about my reality, my past- forcing me to see myself for what I was. A monster. Nothing more and definitely nothing less.

But then his soft brown eyes blink open, sleepily at first and then focusing intently on me. And before I can move and slide out of his hold, his arms tug me a bit closer.

"I know it'll be hard to accept straight away but just bit by bit open yourself up to the world, to people. I promise it'll be worth it sweetheart." He murmurs, gently tucking my head under his, my hand sliding to rest against his chest- feeling the strong steady thud of his heart, letting it comfort me, reassure me.

I trust Habaek oppa more than I trust myself. And he's never lied to me before. So maybe there is truth in what he's saying. Truth in the words that opening myself up might end up well for me.

I smile and nod and only then does he let me slide out of bed, beaming at me when I turn to thank him.

"Always sweetheart." He promises. And with those words unburdening my heart, I leave to go shower and change- each small act and routine allowing me to build myself up mentally for when I'll step out the front door with a fresher mentality, a newfound determination and hope.

Mi-sun unnie grins at me as I step into the kitchen, smiling knowingly at my outfit before she calls out nonchalantly from the cup of coffee she's holding up towards her mouth.

"You'll have to grab a change of clothes." She says, smile widening when I pause mid-step to look at her confused.

Her smile only widens.

"Surely you didn't forget? We have dance class." She says, laughing at the pained groan that leaves my lips.

"Unnie~" I whine but she shakes her head admonishingly.

"No take backs. Don't you remember how eager Hoseok was to see you next lesson?" she teases.

I shake my head furiously.

"He said it to both of us." I emphasise.

The look I get is almost pitying.

"Oh my darling, he had eyes only for you." she says, before returning her attention to the pancakes, her lips twitching with a smile.

Mi-sun unnie's words send my stomach churning nervously, violently. Do I want to go? 

But then Habaek oppa steps through into the kitchen, hair slightly damp, fresh from the shower and his words come sliding back to mind. I'd promise to try.

And though this would be embarrassing, mortifying and extremely awkward, I was willing to give it a shot. Surely he wouldn't notice me if I was all the way at the back. That way he wouldn't see me making a fool of myself, but even so my mind whirred as I recollected the moves he'd taught last lesson, remembering the counts of eight, the beat slowly being recalled.

I could do this. I could do this.


"You can't make me." I hiss in a low voice, holding back and resisting even as unnie tried to tug me forward, face expressing exasperation.

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