Chapter 95- take you apart piece by piece

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What they'd done on their date I'd certainly expected to be memorable...but this was new. This was dangerous thrilling uncharted territory that we were being steered towards, that we were tugging each other into.

I couldn't tear my eyes away from the photos, from the tableaux of sin and debauchery, of two people in love losing control, restraint slipping away with each theme until nothing but want and desire remained, until their bodies pressed close, a lover's embrace, raw and powerful. Almost as if they'd been bare instead.

And in that only sinful longing desire remained, curving around their ethereal forms.

They were stunning.

And I knew in that moment perhaps what I never had truly understood before. I understood why Tae loved photography, why he found such delight in capturing beautiful moments together. I understood why the photos he'd taken of us, decorating the walls, were so powerful. Because the subject, the focus of the photos had to be. They had to be lost in their own time and space.

And in the photos of (Y/N) and Tae they were lost in each other, they were stuck in their own world, uncaring of the time passing by, uncaring of the decades their clothes showed they'd travelled to find each other.

They were trapped within their own moment, encircled in their own bubble of space.

And when my eyes trail over the others, they're no less affected. Tae for all that he'd been smug and satisfied as he'd showed just exactly what had transpired between the two, there was a flash of memory in his eyes, there was longing glances darted towards her, there was a restlessness as he fidgeted and leaned against Joon's legs.

My eyes go to settle on her, on where Yoongi's drawn her onto his lap and looks at the photos from beside her, head pressed against her shoulder, murmuring to her. Something akin to mischief and tease dancing in his eyes as he tightens his hold on her, moves to pick up a photo, eyes roving over it painstakingly slow.

(Y/N) mumbles, cheeks pink as she mumbles something, eyes sliding away from the photo, Yoongi smiles, lips parting to show a flash of gums as he says something softly.

Her cheeks turning a deeper pink and eyes flashing as she speaks, perhaps louder than she'd expected.

"I said it's my fault for inviting him into the dressing table and asking him to lace me up. Can't trust those hands." she says, voice an indignant loud exclamation. 

My eyes flit to Tae to see his lips curve into a smirk, eyes pooling with desire.

Yoongi's hold on her suddenly tightens, tugging her flush to him as he leans to speak, voice much softer as he replies.

But there's silent predatory intent in the way her body is tugged to his, with the way his hand moves to her throat, fingers curling around the dark bruise Tae had left behind, featherlight touches as he touches the mark, something both fascinated and entranced in his gaze as he watches her expression, watches her shudder, eyes fluttering shut under his careful ministration.

So beautifully responsive.

So distractingly tempting.

And when the photos are tucked away, Jiminie's lips jutting out, shiny from where his tongue had darted out, flicking against the fullness of them as he gathers them up, hands careful as he handles them.

The boys all look affected. Hooded gazes, slightly dilated pupils. Bodies tensed up and silently waiting, silently anticipating for someone to shatter the silence.

And then Kookie shatters it.

"You both look good." Voice hoarse and rough, affected by the sight of them alone.

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