Chapter 74- normalcy brings healing

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I didn't know one difference could make an entire situation, an entire normal, regular schedule seem as if it had drastically changed, as if it had completely been turned on its head.

And it all starts with a soft sweet 'hi' that accompanies (Y/N)'s customary wave and smile when we enter the dance studio to see her already there, sitting on the floor and stretching, fingers reaching for her toes- sitting effortlessly in a split.

"Morning (Y/N)!" I call happily as we move in towards the centre quickly, Hobi hyung's smile bright and infectious and Kookie's already rushing forward, not holding back anymore as he leans over her from behind to hold her in a hug, peering at her upside down.

There's the sound of a sweet soft giggle as Kookie murmurs something to her, their faces hidden from sight and her arms falling away from stretching to brush his hair back that falls forward.

The sound is so gentle, so warming and so beautiful that it rings in my ears, stays there for a while even when Kookie leans back and goes to plop in front of her with a wide toothy grin.

"Already hogging my prettiest dancer?" Hobi hyung asks with a smile once he reaches the centre with me, causing both me and Kookie to turn and shoot betrayed looks.

(Y/N) laughs at the petulant expressions.

"But Jiminie and Jungkookie are pretty." She says simply, flushing slightly when my eyes fall to hers, smile at her, heart a soft gooey mess at the simple tone she uses, the way that though her cheeks warm, her eyes don't stray away, neither does she retract the statement.

"And what about me?" Hobi hyung asks, dropping into a crouch, pouting cutely as he looks at her, head tilted and peering at her earnestly.

Expectantly and eagerly awaiting her response.

Her lips curve up.

"You're the prettiest sunshine." She says, poking lightly at his dimple before he catches her hand, drawing her up, her legs straightening up as she lets herself be tugged upright, clutching tightly at him when hyung's hands go around her to scoop her up, twirling her around as he laughs and she makes a soft sound of surprise, her own giggles mingling with his bright laughs, hands winding around his neck.

And when he sets her down, he doesn't want to let go, content to hold her there, her arms still around his neck.

"Is this okay? Are we allowed this?" Hobi hyung asks softly, face brimming with joy and yet also soft understanding.

She nods.

Fiddles slightly with the hem of his shirt before her hands fall away.

"If I am too, if it's not...if it's not uncomfortable for you." she says shyly. Eyes dropping away.

I step around to hug her from behind, arms winding into the space between them to slightly tug her back, head hooked over her shoulder.

"Believe me when I say our clingy touchy ways might bother you. But yours would never ever bother us." I say, watching as she turns to face me, close enough that I can see the delicate lashes sweeping the skin above her eyes, see the way the flush spreads across her cheeks and she scrunches her nose- a small, cute gesture before she shakes her head.

"I don't think so. I spend most of my time latched onto either Mi-sun unnie or Habaek oppa." She confesses with a wry smile.

Habaek and Mi-sun.

Two people who weren't romantically involved with (Y/N) and yet held the most intimate knowing gazes for each other. Who (Y/N) clearly doted on, loved wholly and dearly and yet it wasn't the sort of attraction and feelings we held for each other.

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