Chapter 90- just you

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There's nothing but her. Nothing but (Y/N) filling my senses, her heady scent heavy on my tongue, pressing against my skin, making me feel as if I each nerve was set alight, thrumming with this electric need that pulsed thicker and stronger. Feeling her body curved against mine, her arms still holding mine, body trusting as she lets me support her weight, as her eyes meet mine in a silent promise of bearing me up, of baring herself to me wholly. There's silent desire pulsing between us, mounting higher as we look at each other, lose myself in the sight of her dilated pupils, her breathless gasps a sweet seductive enthralling call as the music fades away and only she remains. Her at her barest, her at her most vulnerable and trusting, putting herself in my arms and relinquishing herself entirely.

And when her lips meet mine it's utterly soft, a show of giving herself to me, soft and gentle, slow move of her mouth against mine. Just the feel of her lips now parting beautifully under mine, coaxing me closer with every lazy brush of tongue, with every silent lick into my mouth as she urges me closer but also places a part of her within me.

Hands winding around her, cradling her close, pulling the arch of her body to come to lean into me, to press against me. That damned sinful black swan costume, clothed in wisps of shadow and tendrils of smoke, curling around me, a beautiful illusion, a haunting apparition of sin and seduction and beauty incarnated, come to plague me, to take over my senses and fill every inch of me with the sweet, intoxicating essence of her.

And when we manage to make it through the night, it's with this hypnotic tug of magnetism urging me closer to her, hands unable to drift away from her even as we step up to receive our trophy, when I lose myself to the fierce press of her lips to mine, a burning claiming she lays to me, eyes sparking with hot tears as they splash against her cheeks and she shares this victory with me, where she coaxes me into the fire and burns with me, ensnared in the flames that her body, her presence sets ablaze across my own.

And somehow. Somehow the rest of the night passes and I find her twisted out of my hold, spun into arms after arms as the others sweep her into hugs, hands drifting admiringly over her costume, over the sheer black fabric that came to rest on her like a second skin, adorned her with subtle black shimmering patterning that curled around her body, wings coming to wrap around her. And even as one of them scoop her up, I can see the way her head twists, eyes catching mine. The same urgency reflected in them.

I find myself yearning for her, staring at the way when she turns, I get to see without restraint, without a hurriedness, the backless costume, the way it rests above the curve of her hips, at the low of her back where her skin dips, dimpled hollows at the base of her spine. See that where the swathes of sheer, gauzy fabric had become wings during the dance, the curve of her spine had been made up to show torn wings, reddened wounds at where wings would've protruded, torn away by her grief, by her loss and resprouted new ones, ones that essentially I had helped her splay wide and take flight with.

Her entire body maps the meaning of the dance, the costume, the detailing of the scars, the way the black costume is a representation of the way she'd become a swan, transformed into one.

And I see her. Her for who she is in all her beautiful glory, with all her wounds, all her hurts and scars but also with the way she rebuilt herself, emerged stronger and fiercer.

I see her and love her.

Wholly. Unrestrainedly. It's a realisation that doesn't slam into me, but rather brushes against me, comes to settle in me, a key unlocking a door, a mirage of feelings and emotions that are finally given a label, finally adorned with that beautiful emotion that is love. That is irrevocable and permanent, a surety I feel deep down, deep in my bones and in the way my soul soars. In the way my heart lurches when it falls on the sight of her face, radiant and so so expressive. Emotional and beautiful, so open and raw, so trusting and sweet as she laughs, head tilting back to reveal the enticing curve of her throat, slender and arched.

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