Chapter 58- unfolding her hurts

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When I left the studio and whispered to (Y/N) that she didn't need to force herself out of her comforts, it was more so that she knew that none of us wanted her to be uncomfortable, didn't want her to push herself to do things she didn't need to. And when I'd told her I'd be waiting for that talk; I didn't expect for my phone to ping as I was at the traffic lights driving back.

Or for it to have pinged because (Y/N) had sent me a text message asking if we could meet, if we could talk. There had been no hesitation whatsoever as I replied back, turning the car around to drive back. I texted her to meet me at a nearby café, not too far from the studio but I was already nervously waiting, feet tapping impatiently and eyes widely scanning the door every time it swung open to see if it was her.

But when she did arrive, I still wasn't mentally prepared. Not prepared for the look of utter grief and misery on her face, or the defeated curved slump of her shoulders and her telling doe eyes which were dim and lacking their usual bright shine.

Something was wrong.

Something had happened.

She crumples in the chair opposite me, face downcast as she peers at the table.

And I feel guilt. Regret. I shouldn't have made her walk alone when she wasn't feeling the best emotionally. I should've just picked her up from the studio.

I knew that when your mind wasn't clear and it was distracted, it was incredibly easy to find yourself lost, ambling onto streets you didn't recognise, it was easy to be so immersed in whatever was plaguing you that you don't note where your feet have led you.

My heart squeezes tightly in relief that she'd made it here, that she hadn't been too distracted.

But it's clear now as she sits in front of me that she's lost in thought, unconsciously having felt comfortable enough to be immersed in them.

The thought that she sees me as someone she can be comfortable around makes me feel tingles of surprised pleasure.

"(Y/N), did you feel weird being alone at the studio with Tae?" I carefully hedge, figuring that if she'd rushed away from the studio- when her face had brightly lit up on her entrance, then it might be something to do with being alone with Tae.

She raises her head, eyes dull and defeated looking as she gives a small timid nod.

My heart aches for her.

And then she seems to silently dither, looking torn about whether or not she should say whatever she's feeling.

I scan the table, spotting napkins but fail to find a pen after patting my pockets to try and search for one. She silently watches, a small sad smile playing at her lips that curves up slightly at the edges when I offer my arm to her, tugging the sleeve of my top up to bare my forearm to her. Her personal paper to write on.

Her fingers, delicate and small, hover over my skin tentatively before she reaches a mental conclusion and the tip of her finger begins to trace letters onto my skin.

It's hard to focus when all I can think of is how gentle and teasing her touches are to me, distracting feathery grazes of her finger as she spells out something.

And then when my mind scrambles to piece together the sentence she's traced on my arm, my heart sinks with despair and sorrow- clenching painfully for her, with her.

Do I make any of you uncomfortable?

I shake my head furiously.

"Why would you ever think that?" I ask, frowning confusedly at her.

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