Chapter 84- playing together, learning together

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I look up at Jiminie walking into the living room, still stumbling around in his pyjamas as he makes his way to the couch, plops himself down to sprawl over me, head tucked over my shoulder.

"Morning hyung." He mumbles sleepily, lips messily brushing across the nape of my neck, lips warm and a puff of breath exhaled against my skin.

"Morning Jiminie. Sleep well baby?" I ask, hand leaning back to pet at his hip, hand brushing over skin where his shirt has risen.

He hums, nuzzling close as he peers over my shoulder.

"What are you doing?" he asks and when I turn my head it's to see him blink slowly at the phone in my hands, brows scrunched as he tries to make it out, probably still drowsy.

I peck his cheek.

"Dance practice video. I filmed the last few rehearsals so I can see what we need to work on." I explain.

He nods against my shoulder.

"Press play then. I want to see that move with you and (Y/N) at the centre." he says, draping himself more heavily, more loosely curved over my frame.

I laugh, finger going to press play. To continue the video. And feel his head slot right next to mine, watching as the dance practice video continues.

And when the segment where the two of us move to the centre, I feel Jiminie wriggle with excitement above me, body moving flush to mine, the feel of his soft cheek brush against mine even as the hard muscles of his body rub deliciously distracting.

"That part!" and his finger reaches out to still it. To pause it.

And moves to zoom the video in, pointing at the positioning of my hands. And then at       (Y/N)'s.

I feel my eyes drawn to the way her hand splays confidently as it grips her inner thigh, legs bent downwards as her eyes make hypnotic eye contact with the camera, the weight of the seductive allure in them somehow jumping out through the screen, somehow tugging me forward.

I turn to look at him incredulously.

"How are you like this when you've just woken up?" I ask with disbelief. My words cause a teasing flash of teeth, of plump lips parting with his smile.

"Eyes on the technique hyung." He admonishes, hand reaching to grip my jaw and turn it back.

"Look at the angle of your thighs. You and     (Y/N) are meant to be centres and in that formation, all of us should be synchronised, it'll give a stronger impression. But (Y/N) seems to not be bending fully, there's a bit of hesitance almost." He points out.

And when I try see what Jiminie's pointing out, I see what he means.

See that her thighs don't bend as deeply as ours and for all that the hand is splayed assuredly, her thighs don't dip low enough, don't have that same confidence in that gesture.

"You're right. I'll tell her during practice. Are you two still going over Black Swan after group rehearsals?" I ask.

He nods.

"Make sure not to work yourselves too hard. No dance until you've had a sufficient time break to grab food as well." I say lightly, eyes still closely scrutinising the still, looking at the expressions. Out of the four of us, (Y/N) has the most fire, the most silent sensuality burning in her eyes. It's a look that entices and promises, it's a look that has me gripping the phone tightly. 

This is what the audience would see, what the judges would see. This is what we missed out on during the performance, that we didn't get to see as fellow dancers.

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