Chapter 16- moments with you

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I smile down at the two maknaes, sweaty and breathing heavily but still with their arms around each other, faces glowing as they lazily press kisses to each other's bare glistening skin. Kookie is the most dishevelled and marked, skin dotted with an array of darkening marks, exhaustedly sinking into the bed.

What had started as a cuddling session whilst watching movies had turned to teasing to video games to this.

And it seemed like Kookie was the one who came out the most exerted from it.

"Hyungs are mean~ should've just let me go with Jiminie hyung and Hobi hyung to see who the dancer is they were excited about." Kookie mutters fake sullen as we shower and dress a while later.

But the bright high giggles that had erupted when the two of us attacked him with tickles had quickly silenced those words.

And it was cuddled with the others, limbs intertwined in loose embraces that Jiminie and Hobi burst through the door with bright radiant faces and excitement making them practically vibrate as they rush in.

Yoongi hyung pauses the film, from where his arm rests on Jin hyung's stomach, settling back again to look at them.

"Good audition?" he asks, slightly monotone because hyung isn't that excited by dance, only when it's them performing does he truly look animated and enraptured.

They nod happily, and their loud shout of Kookie rouses the baby from where he's leaning into me and they draw him out with eager grabby hands, making me mourn the loss of his warm heat before Tae fills it, plastering himself onto my side.

"Kookie you should've been there. She was amazing and just so captivating." Jiminie says, voice filled with enthusiasm and wonder, eyes glinting with memory.

Hobi nods, bouncing around happily as he pulls Kookie and Jiminie onto the other couch, cocooning our baby between the two.

"She is a phenomenal dancer. Never would've expected that she'd dance to Butterfly." He muses.

This gets more attention.

From Yoongi hyung who looks intrigued by such a ballad-esque song being used, to Jin hyung and Tae and me who've heard the song filter through our halls because of how much the dancers love it, the beautiful soft tone stirring hearts with its meaning and depth.

"She has beautiful defined lines as she dances, so powerful." Jiminie gushes, face animated.

Kookie's pout deepens as he scowls at me and Tae, even as his face holds not a single ounce of true anger or bitterness- just wistfulness that he could've seen too.

"In fact...we think that she should join our team." Hobi adds.

And that captures every shred of attention and focus.

She's that good? Because I know how particular the three are, how hard it is for them to share that privacy and intimacy of dancing together.

And to impress them so much that they offered it to her anyways?

This girl must truly be something. And though I don't dance with the passion the three of them do- it makes me want to see her perform too.

And I feel bad for having kept Kookie away.

Kookie's eyes bulge slightly, shock on his face.

But not rejection for the notion. Not hesitation.

"Wow...she really must be something." Kookie muses, face expressing awe.

And I feel an inkling of burning curiosity- just who is this girl who's entered and blown them away so easily?

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