Chapter 91- your imprint left behind

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(Y/N) POV:

At some point we drift off, curled up close to each other, vaguely I remembered Minnie gently extracting himself from around me, remembered the damp cool feeling as he cleaned me up with a towel, coordinating my pliant, loose limbs to carefully shift to recline against the bed. I remembered faintly the press of his lips softly to my shoulder as he drew the sheets back over us, the light blankets covering us, the heat of his body curving around me, enveloping me.

And I remembered drifting off to the feeling of his arms wound around me, of my voice trailing off into a mumble as I whispered, 'I love you', as I shifted close and my hand coming to settle on his bare chest, against the steady thud of his heart.

I fell asleep to the feeling of Minnie, of that warmth and protection and safety of being encased in his arms, of his body curved towards mine, legs entangled. But I woke to the feeling of soft lips marking a trail from the base of my spine upwards, lazily marking a path as soft plush warmth pressed again and again to my skin, the feeling of an unhurried tenderness as they trailed up to the nape of my neck.

I turn my head, greeted with the sight of an empty pillow and when my eyes drift lower it's to see him kneeling on the bed, sheets entangled around his waist, body bare for the boxers he'd tugged on. It reminded me of how bare I was under the sheets, fingers curling into them to tug them higher above my waist.

"Morning angel." Minnie murmurs and a shiver races down my spine, body trembling with the dangerous, heady affect of his morning voice. Heavy and rumpled, deep and slipping into a naturally deeper dialect. Two words. But they reverberate against my skin where he'd murmured it, lips parting at the nape of my neck, teeth lightly dragging across skin.

My fingers curl into the sheets.

It was a new feeling of intimacy to wake up still entangled in sheets, in each other. It was thrilling and new and warming in a way I hadn't felt before. It was a tenderness that wound around my heart, sank to the depths of my soul and gently brushed against old hurts, old scars.

"Morning Minnie." I whisper back, voice soft and light. Quieter because this feeling, this sensation of waking up with someone else's body heat warming me, of waking up to this gentle unhurried loving gesture had my heart yearning and aching, had it healing as well as spilling over with emotion.

And then his lips press down, linger for a few moments before he curls back to rest his head near mine, smiling at me with a wide sweet smile and eyes blinking at me, trailing over my face.

"Shower and breakfast? The others are probably be up and about downstairs." He muses, turning to face the ceiling, gaze contemplative and thoughtful.

The thought of stepping out of the room and the others knowing, knowing that we hadn't waited for them to head back, so consumed and engulfed in our feelings, in our longing and yearning for each other made my cheeks burn.

Made them feel hot and flushed and when I sit up, temporarily forgetting that I'm bare, it's the heat- fiery embers in Minnie's eyes as his eyes trail lower that has me grabbing the sheets to curl around me, swatting his arm.

"What? Is there something wrong with appreciating you angel? Turning all shy when you were a tease last night?" he quips, voice teasing and deep, still rough and heady.

It threatens to make those embers spark into flames.

"You're the tease." I retort before moving to slide off the bed, feet sinking into the plush carpet, reaching for his discarded sheer top to wear to head to the bathroom.

Sheets falling away once I've tugged it on, the closest thing I can find to cover me sufficiently as I stand up, begin walking to the door, body still slightly aching, bearing that slight throb, a reminder of the night past.

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