Chapter 44- picnics and picking fruits

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I'm so relieved and thankful and happy that Joon's slip of the tongue doesn't have (Y/N) retreating, silently drawing back into her shell- the same shell she uses to hide behind, to protect herself with. And it's also pride that she's come far from the person I first saw who entered the Magic Shop, who didn't shy away from the question and didn't shy away from physical touch- it had been a great source of torment and guilt when my mind would replay the sight of her flinching away from me, tormenting me when I couldn't sleep and brought back to mind whenever I wondered whether it had been that act that had caused her to vanish. And to see her initiate herself too makes me smile. Because despite it being something normal, something mundane- I can just tell, I know that it means a lot to her too, just as it does to us- just as it does to Jin hyung who beams at her and instinctually sought out to shield her, to want to protect her from hurt.

And that she willingly gives the information away.

Selectively mute.

That had been my thought too given the way her eyes didn't hold the struggle of never having been able to speak, rather they held an abundance of stories, of moments and memories piling up and struggling to be kept at the seams of her expressive soft deep eyes.

Her eyes also spoke of the struggle and yearning of wanting to talk- I knew I wasn't imagining the wistful looks or the repressed joy when it seemed like all she wanted to do was jump right into a conversation or just laugh.

It made me silently root for her, silently cheer her on to one day be able to. And verbally I'd try to help in any way I could, in actions too.

It's further on into the conversation that she suddenly starts and pauses, turning to bring forward a picnic basket that had been sitting deserted and forgotten on the side, she puts it in the middle of the circle we'd unconsciously formed, tapping at the watch at her wrist to indicate that we were into lunchtime- over in fact the usual timings we all ate at.

She opens the basket, bringing out neatly packed containers of food- different snacks and food items being revealed with each careful removal of lid. The food is packed not only neatly but prettily if whoever had packed it had taken extra care to make patterns in them too, small smiley faces and notes taped onto each box.

She rummages in the picnic basket, smile victorious when she brings out a boxed set of cutlery- opening it and handing them out, gesturing for us to eat.

"Did you pack this all for yourself or were you hoping to meet someone?" Jin hyung teases lightly as he grins, being the first one to accept her invitation and start eating- shooting her a thumbs up and hum of approval, lips curved up. Not only at the food but the flustered look (Y/N) gives in response to his question, making a cross with her arms. Maybe it was wishful thinking and maybe I'd imagined it, I certainly hoped I hadn't, when her soft eyes had briefly slid to mine- captured for a moment when he'd said the second question.

Because even if she hadn't, unconsciously I realised I had. I had hoped to see her again today, as we'd walked on the trail I couldn't help but feel excited, spurred on by the thought that maybe I'd see a familiar figure on the secret trail I'd shown her- hoped she had remembered it.

And so to find her here, had given me a pleased flutter in my stomach, lips curving up automatically when I'd approached and found that the relaxed, reclined figure had been hers.

Jin hyung chatters about the food, but despite how amazing it is I know he won't say that, not after all the quips he's made about him being head chef but when she taps his arm and shows him her phone with a knowing grin, I see his ears burn red slightly.

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