Chapter 81- dancing duo

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There's something decidedly furtive in the way Hobi hyung and (Y/N) exchange glances throughout dance practice, something teasy in the way Hobi hyung nudges (Y/N), or wraps his arms around her to twirl her away from moving close, eyes flashing with amusement as he watches Kookie eagerly tug her towards him instead. Away from me.

It's odd, because it seems like (Y/N) wants to say something, seems to have something playing on her mind, something her expressive eyes gives away. It seems like Hobi hyung if anything is playing and toying with that fact and stealing away opportunities from her.

And by the time dance practice is over, whilst we do have a selection of competitions narrowed down and finalised and a rough plan for which songs to assign to which competition, we also have a silently seething (Y/N) who huffs and ducks out of Hobi hyung's darting for her to dive behind Kookie instead.

"Awww baby don't hide from me. I'm sorry~"  he wheedles, but his face is still wry with amusement and he grins unashamedly.

"No you're not! Don't lie to my face Hobi!"    (Y/N) says with an unimpressed stare when she peeks out from behind Kookie, clutching onto his shirt for protection.

Hobi hyung pouts, making grabby hands as he stretches them towards her.

"Fine, I won't lie either. But am I not allowed to have a little bit of fun with our girl?" he asks.

Our girl. It has a perfect ring to it. Our girl. And we're hers.

She smiles, ire melting away in an instant that makes me realise that she was just playing, just huffing and hiding to tease back at him, giggling when he makes a mad swipe for her as he grabs Kookie and reaches back but she dances out of reach, spinning away.

"Of course you can. Just know I'll get back at you in equal measure Hobi!" she says, making her way over to me, smiling when I immediately take her hand and lace our fingers together.

She looks up at me, cheeks rosy from exertion and smiles, lips parting to give a smile- that still dazzles, that still makes my heart race and quicken and still makes me pause just to take in the sight of her over and over.

"Jimin can we talk? I've been wanting to ask you something." She says, with a light squeeze to my hand but her face flashes with uncertainty and hesitance, a bit of shyness.

Whatever she wants to say, ask is something that means a lot to her. Something Hobi hyung knows but concerns me.

Otherwise she would've asked Kookie too.

Kookie turns to look at the two of us, face confused and head tilted.

"Find me afterwards then? Or just call if you can't." he says easily, lips curved up with an easy smile, eyes soft and gentle.

Because somehow he knows. He knows without her needing to say it, that it's something important, something that doesn't require him.

And just as easily he accepts that, so perfectly attuned with her needs and wants it seems because it makes (Y/N) smile at him and nod eagerly, smiling against his lips when he pecks her goodbye and leans over to kiss me too.

"Have fun! (Y/N) likes the place that does the cool sundaes." He leans in to whisper into my ear, leaning back and giving me an endearing sweet smile as his eyes flit to (Y/N). Again just knowing.

I'd have to ask him about that one of these days. Kookie always gave up information so easily when he was either sleepy or so deeply satiated, clingy and extremely tactile and willing to indulge with the mine of information he kept close like cards to his chest.

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