Chapter 21- and yet not so far

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A few days later Kookie announces he's heading off to the arcade, eagerly pulling on his jacket and shoes and calling out to us from the hallway.

His bright cheery tone fills the living room, pulls us out of our tasks- faces turning away from screens and books to glance upwards, expecting our maknae's cheery face to fill the doorway which it does mere moments later.

"I don't know how long I'll be Jin hyung but I'm heading off you!" he calls to everyone as he steps out of view even as Jiminie and I straighten up at the same time.

"Kook-ah wait!" I call, rushing to scramble off Yoongi hyung's lap who grunts at the sudden movement and the accidental elbow that heads his way as I rush to get to him.

Kookie's paused with the front door open, looking back at us quizzically as Jiminie and I reach him.

"I wanna come too! It's been ages since we've headed to the arcade together." I pout as I throw my arms around his neck and lean heavily onto him. His hands immediately come to hold me at my waist.

"Kook-ah...I wanna play too!" Jiminie huffs and when I turn to look at him he's sporting a teasing knowing smile.

There's something going on that I don't know about.

And then a whiny...

"Jiminie hyung! You don't have to come and meet her you know!" he complains.

Her? Ahh...Kook-ah's arcade friend. The thought hadn't even crossed my mind but now that I know that she might be there makes it all the more of an incentive to go.

And his words rouse the curiosity of Jin hyung who'd been heading out of the living room and turns to face the three of us with a twitching smile.

"Jimin-ah don't tease him!" he admonishes and then almost immediately "I wanna meet her too!" he exclaims mischievously.

"Ahh hyung!" Kookie protests with reddening cheeks, but his protest is a mixture of sweet whine and a serious glint in his eyes.

Jin hyung backs away, raising his hands jokingly as he heads off.

"I'll meet her one day." He calls as he turns to leave.

He's dropped the matter but I want to play games with my baby, I haven't gotten to for a while.

And if the three of us go together it'll be a date! We haven't had one for just the three of us for some time.

"Ahh come on Kookie, like old times, the three of us playing games and feeding each other unhealthy amounts of snacks and junk food." I wheedle, pressing kisses to his neck to try and persuade him, kissing up the column of his throat to his jaw.

His hands tighten around my waist.

"Come on Kookie, take hyung with you." I murmur as I lean back to take in his flustered state.

"And I'm not like Jin hyung. I just want to spend time with you." I say and then he nods, looking down at me with wide eyes.

"Okay hyung, now can I please have a proper kiss now?" he asks.

I lean forward immediately to press our lips together. How could I ever say no to our baby?


The three of us scrabble out of our seats, the car pulling up outside the arcade and nearby diner and cinema.

"We can watch a movie too afterwards." Jiminie murmurs, eyes interestedly glancing at it.

But Kookie is already eagerly moving on towards the large arcade, heading in with a bright toothy smile, turning over his shoulder to gesture to us excitedly.

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