Chapter 85- anticipation grows and tensions heighten

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The house becomes both a hive of movement and yet somehow drained of it all the same, void of the three energetic, bright presences that Jiminie, Kookie and Hobi were. They were always prepped and fired up for dance practice, prepped for a day of rehearsals and of constantly putting more and more power into their performance, into preparing for the upcoming dance competition.  At times it was just Jiminie who left, a less common occurrence, but off he went, practically skipping, vibrating with energy as he went to prepare for his contemporary dance with       (Y/N). The duet competition that was to come after group competitions were over. But I began to sillily enough...miss them. Miss their chaotic, random spurts of energy as well as their constant presence in the house, doing one thing or the other. Upto a mischief as the three banded together with Tae or out on dates, or sneaking in to meet us at work. And I missed (Y/N), even if she often returned with the boys after practice, equally drained but glowing with satisfaction, even if she even began driving over to pick them up in the morning armed with breakfast, even if she still surprised us with sweet dates or eagerly agreed to spend time with us. 

I missed her even if a few days ago she'd come knocking on the door, all dressed and ready for us to go on a new nature trail she'd found on the outskirts of Seoul, a trail that led us into the heart of a forest and onto the most beautiful clearings. Where we'd spent the afternoon splayed on a picnic blanket talking, reading side by side and sharing slow lazy kisses.

Slow lazy kisses that had been the feel of soft plush warm lips against my own, had carried the sweetness of fruits and the sticky gloss she always favoured. I remembered her hands sliding to wind their way into my hair, lightly tugging at the strands as she straddled my lap. Had clambered onto my legs when I'd silently drawn her up and looked at me, blinking slowly, eyes fluttering shut when I'd leant in to press my lips to hers. A short quick peck that had turned to more, had turned to a drag of lips against my own, that heady pull of her mouth to mine, lips slowly exploring each other's and chasing after that sweetness of her mouth, tugged to the hypnotic sight of rosy lips that became swollen the more I leant in for them. I remembered the warmth of her body leaning into mine, remembered the way she'd gasped for air against my mouth, lips dragging away swollen and slick and chest rising and falling. I remembered the first time I'd kissed those lips, so utterly distracted by the way they'd parted as she spoke, with so much passion and interest for the book we'd been reading together, so taken with the way a strand of hair fell to curve and rest across her cheek and the spark in her eyes when she'd turned on my lap face so beautifully alive, so expressive that I hadn't been able to hold back, hadn't been able to stop myself from leaning in to remember that moment, to trap and cherish it when I had leant in to press my lips softly to hers.

A small press, a small moment in time where it was just her and me, where the words fell away and the book became insignificant. Where it was just her.

And when I saw her on my lap, so content, the sunlight filtering over her, casting golden shadows on her sweet smile, swollen and reddened as those lips had been, I had felt my heart race, had felt it clench with this giddy exuberance. And I'd felt it accelerate when she'd leant forward and in a moment of imbalance I'd fallen back onto the blanket with her falling with me, peering at me with surprise, hair falling forward. And that same surprise that had turned cheeky as she leant in for a kiss once more, a heady enthralling press of her lips, of her tongue darting to tease before slipping away.

I sigh as I peer at the once again familiar sight of the three of them leaving once more, lips dragging downwards into a droop as I drop the pretence of helping Jin hyung pack the boxes to see them appear in the doorway of the kitchen, eagerly rushing in.

A flurry as Jiminie collects the bottles from the fridge and places them into his bag, as Kookie walks over to lean in to carefully take the packed boxes and move to the kitchen island to arrange them securely and meticulously into the carrier and Hobi as he moves around the kitchen, dancing and spinning as he reaches for the first aid kit and habitually makes sure his own personal one is stocked fully.

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