Chapter 2- setting in

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I glance in the rear-view mirror, seeing (Y/N) curled up as she sleeps, face pinched with discomfort even as she slumbers on. I share an anxious glance with Mi-sun and she just shakes her head in a silent gesture.

"I can't tell if she's having a nightmare. But you know how hard it is for her to drop off to sleep in the days after doing our service." She says in a quiet hushed voice, and the two of us continue that last stretch of the journey in silence, both lost in thoughts and worries as well as being unwilling to disturb her rest.

But it still bothers me when we come to a stop and I realise that we'll have to wake her, but even so I get out of the car to lift her up, to try and get her in before she begins to stir.

I shift her carefully into my arms, gently manoeuvring her sleeping state slowly so I can lift her out of the car. She luckily stays asleep, arms winding around me tighter in sleep as she moves slightly but doesn't awaken. But it's only when I'm in the process of approaching the front door, that painful sifting for the key which we collected on the way- that rifling through my pocket that makes her mumble and stir- head rising from where it was resting against my shoulder.

"Oppa..." she slurs drowsily.

" can go back to sleep sweetheart." I rush to soothe, but she's already lifted her head up fully, drowsy eyes taking in the sight of our surroundings.

"We're here. Let me help too." She says, tapping at my shoulders to let her down even if I want nothing more than to just wrap her up and keep her close. Seeing her tired and drowsy is one of the most endearing, softest sights ever and I want to keep it that way a while longer.

"You can rest, me and Mi-sun will handle it." I offer but she shakes her head, eyes becoming more and more alert.

"I'll help. And then we can go explore." She says and slowly I lower her legs, hands sliding away from under them as I help steady her. It takes her a few moments to blink dazedly and for the sleep to truly leave her eyes and then she's helping me and Mi-sun take our belongings in- slowly unpacking our lives once again.

A few hours later, the house is beginning to look like ours- belongings scattered across the living room, suitcases still in the centre and sofas spread across with our bright collection of cushions and throws, small touches that we add that slowly makes it look like home.

And frankly- taking in the sight of the spacious house, far away from even a glimpse of the ocean's blue waters- with it'd wide garden space and living quarters; I smile at it. This could be home. For a long time for us.

And when I see Mi-sun smiling at the sight of (Y/N) curiously opening doors and her excited smile when she goes around the room straightening the things and adding more ornaments- I know that she's thinking the same. That for (Y/N)- it might be one of the best homes yet.

(Y/N) POV:

Once the living room has been set up, our collection of cutlery, utensils and crockery filling up the kitchen cupboards and suitcases lugged to our rooms. It's time to explore, to get out there and see what Seoul has to offer, besides the very gratifying respite it gives from the Ocean.

The moment we leave the car, I tug the two of them excitedly from where they follow and match my quick steps, bag slung over my shoulder and banging slightly against my hip as we walk. There's so much to do. Moving houses means we need to do a big food shop, as well as explore the nearby vicinity.

The stretch of Seoul we're living in I learn is a bustling hive of activity, streets filled with shops ranging from clothes, to shoes, jewellery and then ones with cute knick-knacks, stationery, books, and cafes. People bustle about, each going about their life- people in business wear, students, couples and then I find my feet halting at the sight of parents with their children- both pained and comforted by the sight.

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