Chapter 54- dancing with inner demons

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We don't expect the studio door to get flung wide open and a small whirl storm of motion to enter, I find my lips unconsciously stretching into a smile when I realise it's (Y/N) followed by the immediate plummeting of my stomach, sinking into dark unknown depths when her hair whips around her face- her beautiful, delicate face which is splotched with purple. Bruises.

It makes me feel both sick and angry seeing the bruise, one on her jaw and climbing up her cheek and her other cheek marred with splotches of both purple and red, because when Hobi hyung and Jin hyung had returned this morning they'd mentioned several stuff- but how on earth had they failed to mention that whatever had happened last night had led to this?

I shoot Hobi hyung a shocked and angry look, to find that Jiminie hyung's clenching his jaw tightly, anger simmering under the surface.

But Hobi hyung isn't even looking at us, he's looking with narrowed eyes at her, eyes visibly looking agitated and angry and hurting.

And I don't even realise I've moved, when     Mi-sun storms in moments after her and with a loud angry yell of '(Y/N)' darts for her, hand darting out to snag around her wrist and tugs her firmly backwards. My feet move just as my eyes widen with alarm, jerking forward because of the way her face twists in horror, shock and a bit of fear, feet stumbling almost as she's pulled into Mi-sun.

I get that they're friends, that they share this bond I don't want to imagine or indulge in thinking about given last night but the look on (Y/N)'s face had made me act without thinking, without realising that I'd moved to get to her.

But then I freeze when I see that despite her angry expression, the hands that turn her around and cup her cheeks are gentle, that the fire in her gaze is contrasted with the warmth of her touch as she peers down at (Y/N).

"This conversation is far from over. We are going to have a very long overdue chat when we get home." She says voice low and promising and slightly ominous sounding.

And given (Y/N)'s tentative nod, slightly fearful but also resigned- it makes me wonder just what sort of conversation is this scary, this daunting.

And the nod transforms Mi-sun's face into something softer, gentler and she coos before peppering her face with kisses, giggling happily at whatever expression (Y/N) makes.

"Later then sweetheart. No wandering off, I'll be the one picking you up." and with one final kiss pressed to the corner of her mouth she leaves, in a flurry and whirl of clothes and jingling accessories as if she hadn't entered in completely a different manner.

I get broken out of whatever stupor had halted me and rush to her, not caring for a single instant about anything except wanting to feel her safe in my arms, they wound automatically around her as I hug her close, feeling her smaller frame feel so soft, so delicate in my hold and I worried if I squeezed harder whether she'd shatter. But she surprises me when her arms wound around me to reciprocate the hug, sweet strength, and firmness in the way she shifts closer slightly, arms tight as she lets me hug her and gives some of that comfort back.

When I lean back to peer at her, my heart shatters with how much her face is bruised and can now see from closer that her bruised cheek also has red scratches in it, the majority and I assume the worst of them hidden from view by the cute plaster covering them- almost as if the sight of something sweet could hide the fact that she'd been struck.

"(Y/N)...oh god, who did this to you?" I say, hand hovering near her face before gently cupping her jaw- wincing myself when my finger brushes against the purpled skin- feeling both angry and shocked when I think of how much force had gone into hitting her, into making her carry the proof of last night.

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