Chapter 10- tension and two's

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I am more than surprised to see the girl from the other night sitting next to Tae. I didn't expect for her to be here, for Tae to be grinning with an ease and comfortability that suggested that the two knew each other. 

He breaks the silence with a teasing pleased lilt to his tone.

"I think it's time for some introductions." He says grinning brightly at the two of us.

"Namjoonie hyung meet (Y/N), the girl who I learnt you bowled over the other day. (Y/N) meet my Joon hyung; the one I was waiting for at the day at the library." He says gesturing to both of us with a flourish.

My eyes are still caught on her face, on the face that breaks into a sweet, tentative smile, eyes twinkling with realisation that somehow two incidents with strangers ended up being connected.

My mind trails back to the words Tae has just said and then my head whips to the side, quick and sudden to look at him with wide eyes.

"This is the person you were telling me about? The silent fashionable girl you couldn't stop..." I'm cut off when Tae suddenly smacks a large hand across my mouth, silencing me from speaking any further, eyes conveying his urgent plea for me to stay silent.

And though my lips curve up with the intent to tease, I don't want to embarrass him so stay silent...for now.

When he thinks I won't say anything, his hand falls to his side and he turns to face (Y/N) who's silently been appraising us, head tilted and eyes filled with an amused fondness.

"What do you want to eat? Drink? It's my apology for Tannie!" he asks, cutely rambling on with the sweet enthusiasm that is intrinsic to him, chattering happily.

She shakes her head but given the way Tae intensely zones in on her, leaning close- I can imagine how flustered the sudden switch could make her feel. It still made me fluster from time to time.

But then she sighs, a barely audible sound, more the physical sight of her rosy full lips parting, drooped down slightly in a resigned expression.

She taps to a drink and then a snack but when Tae turns to me waiting to hear mine after declaring his and gets up to order, it's her who moves quicker- darting past him to order, unwavering determination flashing in her eyes. She emerges victorious and Tae returns to his seat, slumped down slightly- the sight of his cute pouty face so adorable I can't help but lean forward to press a kiss to his cheek.

"Cheer up baby." I whisper before leaning back.

Whilst we wait Tae's head suddenly jerks up, head turning to face her again.

"Is your throat better by the way? Did the tea help?" he asks, earnest concern on his face.

I frown in confusion, I was pretty sure she hadn't been silent because of a sore throat- more so that she was shy, adorably so but shy.

But Tae was so confidently assure in it that it made me second guess myself.

And then my eyes catch onto it. A slight tremor in her fingers before she presses her hands together tightly, stilling them.

And decide not to say anything about it, she didn't need to speak if she didn't want to.

She gives a slight shake and Tae's lips droop in sympathy.

But then bolts to get the order once it's called, hurrying away with a slightly anxious expression, I don't know whether it was something we might've said or if she felt uncomfortable between us. I just hoped we didn't scare her away, there was something about her shy silent demeanour that demanded my attention and reeled me in- the deep depths of her eyes prompting me to want to learn more, to hear even one of the multitude of stories that lay unspoken in them.

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