Chapter 19- bonds become sweeter

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The moment our lesson is over and (Y/N) has managed to blow us all away several times with the extremely contradicting switch between her usual shy sweet self and the powerful entrancing dancer she is, the three of us watch as the tall man from her audition enters, greeting us all- Kookie with more amicability and friendliness that has me yet again pausing in confusion. That there's something the two of are blatantly missing, especially when the man insists that he allows our Kook to at least have the chance to thank him properly.

However the sight of him asking for Jungkookie's number makes me realise that we should exchange ours with (Y/N)- so we can talk about dance and though I already have hers saved from the day she texted me, I watch as she saves her number into Kookie's phone first, handing it back with a wry smile, and then Jiminie's- smiling sweetly up at him before waving at us and leaving.

"Kook-ah, how do you know him?" Jiminie asks once the door shuts behind the two of them, he turns to us with a mixed look.

"Ahh I've met him briefly once. He was with (Y/N)." he explains.

"And how do you know (Y/N)?" I echo.

He looks slightly flustered at that, fiddling with the hem of his sleeve.

"About that hyung..." he starts off shyly.

But then his face splits into his mischievous grin and he darts away from the two of us.

"You'll have to catch me first." He hollers playfully over his shoulder as he rushes out the studio.

I exchange a look with Jiminie before setting off after our playful baby.

Oh it's on Kookie.


"Okay, okay I'll tell you when we get home." Kookie gasps breathlessly, squirming away from our hands that have pinned him down and tickle him relentlessly.

Jiminie makes a mock serious face, hand wiggling threateningly.

"Do you promise?" he asks.

Kookie nods, laughing when Jimin's hand darts under Kook's shirt and tickles him without the added barrier of clothes.

And he relents.

But even as we drive home, the ambience light and toying the curiosity keeps gaining strength- mind buzzing with the desire to know just how it is our shy baby got so comfortable and familiar around (Y/N).

But when we finally do pin him between us on the couch, glaring at him to spill he huffs with laughter before wriggling down comfortably looking at the two of us with shining eyes.

"She's the friend from the arcade." He says.

One sentence. One sentence and I recall how we'd all gushed over him when he'd confessed to having overstayed longer than planned because he'd made a friend, a girl. And it had been (Y/N). (Y/N) had been the one to draw our shy maknae out of his shell?

Even if it felt slightly disbelieving to my mind, trying to imagine the shy girl coax out our baby from his shell, I also knew that something about her was entrancing and captivating- she might not even have needed to try, might've drawn him out unconsciously simply because of her silently alluring presence.

"I first noticed her when she was trying so hard to win a plushie. She spent so much money on the plushie that I couldn't help feeling both amused and bad for her." Kookie elaborates, beginning the tale of exactly what had happened at the arcade.

And his smile is fond and sweet- eyes clearly recalling the memory.

"She even did a little happy dance of victory when she got it." He laughs.

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