Chapter 33- dinner

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When Joon-ah rushes in cheeks red- it's a mixture of exertion as well as embarrassment, bags swinging wildly in his hands as he makes an immediate beeline for the kitchen, the sound of his apologies filtering through to the living room where we've all reclined onto the carpet- finally finished with cleaning as we snack and watch the movie Hobi had turned on.

And when he reappears in the living room sans bags, he's smiling at us.

"What got you so held up? I know Jin hyung said you could head off to that book-café, but surely you didn't forget his list?" I ask, movie paused as we watch him enter further in, dropping down beside me.

The smile on his face doesn't slide off with embarrassment, it widens and causes his dimples to deepen- the indents attractive against his cheeks- a paler version of the honeyed warmth his complexion usually has in the summer.

I lean forward to briefly peck his cheek in greeting before leaning back, waiting for him to speak.

"I did go to the book-café but ended up losing track of time." he says.

"Book that interesting huh?" Tae muses from where he's lazily sprawled across Hobi's lap, tugging Hobi's hand to his head in a blatant invitation to pet his hair.

As Hobi obliges Joonie shakes his head.

"Not a book...(Y/N). I met her at the book-café." He confesses, drawing interested eyes who are now glued intently on him, mine included.

"Oh? Is that why you took so long?" I ask.

He nods, ducking his head to hide the shy smile on his face but I spot it, smiling down at him.

"She's thinks in such a unique way and she has such a beautiful way of looking at the world." He mumbles, stirring up fondness in my heart.

Because I can agree that her thoughts are complex yet beautiful, there's something so compelling about her that makes me want to just sit there and talk to her about music, excited that perhaps our unfinished conversation from last time can be continued. That now I know that when she said she worked with music; it was also as a dancer. I'd seen for myself just how beautifully she communicated and connected with the music when she'd danced- it almost felt like a guilty thought to admit that her dance holds a level of control, passion and finesse that seems far more advanced than the years of dancing the others have put in. As if she possesses an innate talent for it.

Jin hyung appears in the living room a few moments later, breathing out a deep sigh of relief.

"That's all the food prep done." He says.

"You should've let us help hyung, there are some of us who can cook." I say, grinning when Tae and Joon especially let out an affronted yell.

He shakes his head with a resolute expression.

"She challenged my expertise, so makes sense she'll taste mine too. So I can make her eat her words." He says, grinning despite the flushed state his face is in from bustling around so much, working hard.

It makes me feel fond to see the way he's going to such lengths for (Y/N) and know that this dinner will also give us the opportunity to thank her for helping Jimin, something we couldn't get to do properly.

That Jimin can finally give her, her pink mittens back.

And then hyung's eyes fly to the clock, widening with alarm.

"Look at the time. Go on...get ready." He says.

And though there's nothing wrong with the way we're dressed- I feel gross from the amount of chores and work I've done in them.

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