Chapter 57- two sides of a coin

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I pause when there's a jubilant rhythmic series of knocks at the door, and no sooner than do I turn does the door get opened and Yoongi hyung pokes his head in, lips stretching wide into a gummy smile when his eyes alight on me and he enters the studio, bearing a bag of food in one hand, moving closer and closer until he's next to me and pressing a greeting kiss to my lips.

"Don't turn into any of your hyungs Tae-ah, remember to take breaks very regularly." He says, fingers lightly scratching at my scalp, I tilt my head into the sensation, melting under his touch as I peer up at him, puckering my lips in a hopeful pout.

He grins, a huff of laughter escaping him before he lowers his head to kiss me again, longer, slower and with his tongue that brushes teasingly across my lips before he retreats.

"Are you always putty in everyone's hands?" he says, tugging me up so we can go and eat, leading me out of the studio.

But before we manage to leave, he pauses, sight captured by the sight of a large canvas that hangs on one wall, bare save for it.

He moves closer, mouth parting slightly as he takes in the details, eyes intently and carefully roving over the details, over the fading sunlight that filters through, the flowers encompassing the figure in the centre with a bright, soft embrace. And the figure, face hidden behind a camera, rosy lips visible under it. 

"Is that....?" He asks slightly uncertain.

"(Y/N)." I finish, smiling happily as I look at the photo, reminded of that day, of the sweet floral scents, the gentle air and the way she'd been so happy to help, so prepared. And then my eyes flick back to see the cup she'd given me, sitting pride of place- clean and awaiting near the drinks machine.

"'ve always ever kept pictures of us or yourself in your studio. You always keep pictures you take for others, as distinctly separate." Yoongi hyung comments thoughtfully.

I nod.

"But I took this photo for myself hyung. It makes me smile looking at it." I reply.

He squeezes my hand.

"I can see that there's something about it that's calm and inviting- even if you can't see her face." Hyung adds.

And then after a few moments he tugs me alongside him again, leading me out of the studio.

"Where should we go?" Yoongi hyung asks.

"Let's eat in the small side room next to my studio. I know you love the sofas there, that's why you're always napping whenever I see you." I tease, barely dodging the reprimanding dig to the ribs I get, his elbow just missing.

"It's always because you take so long when I'm waiting for you." he says, opening the door.

I smile to the back of his head.

Yoongi hyung will never admit it but he only waits for me so I don't have to go home alone, so I have company. And because he fusses and worries in his own silent sweet ways.

Which is why he pretends it's easier for him to feed the two of us, than to hand me chopsticks, just bringing the food directly to my mouth; but I note he feeds me more than he eats, smiling when he sees me happily chew and accept each mouthful without complaint.

He fiddles with the chopsticks as I chew, looking slightly lost in thought until I nudge him.

"What's wrong?" I ask, taking a fork to pierce the sliced fruit and nudge against his lips.

He parts his mouth automatically and takes it, chewing slowly.

"Have you seen (Y/N) recently?" Yoongi hyung carefully hedges.

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