Chapter 41- dancing with soul right into your heart

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(Y/N) steps through the dance studio, silently but waves as she catches my gaze- smiling as she enters, slowly making her way over.

Her face expressions confusion, the most adorable scrunch between her brows and head tilted slightly, as she takes in the fact the studio is empty save for the two of us.

"Hobi hyung and Jiminie hyung are on their way, they just went to grab some props." I say, watching as the confusion melts off her face and she nods.

She goes to put her bag on the side, returning to the centre as she begins to stretch and warm-up. I take my customary space opposite her, grinning as she shoots me a warning look- silently making sure she's ready to dance. But that doesn't stop me from mirroring her actions completely, even going so far as to exaggerate the imitation- making faces of it being strenuous and tiring. For some reason, teasing her gives me a satisfaction and happiness beyond the one I sometimes get for teasing the hyungs, especially Jiminie hyung. Something so satisfactory about her response and the way that she rises to challenge me back, that she doesn't get tired or seem put off by it- but accepts it in her stride easily. She challenges me in every way and that in itself makes her all the easier to want to be with, adds to her allure and the silent appeal she has. And I don't know whether I'm imagining it but her silent shy nature seems to be slowly replacing with more expressiveness, with more animated expressions. Even in her silence I can see the shyness slowly ebb away as she grows more comfortable and in that alone I find myself happy and excited and pleased for her.

And I'm so drawn in taking in every little detail in the way her expression shifts, in the way she turns from amused to challenged to competitive that I don't even realise the hyungs have returned until their loud bright voices fill the air as they greet (Y/N).

Both hyungs have their arms full with the wildest and obscurest range of props I've seen and I can see the bemusement mirrored in (Y/N)'s eyes too as she takes in the jackets, the hats and oddly enough ribbons that stream down their arms.

Her eyes brighten though as she takes in the ribbon, smile curving up at the corners but then rove up to meet their gazes, the barely repressed excitement.

"How about we just experiment and have some fun today?" Hobi hyung proposes, face lit with his sunny enthusiasm, energy felt in the way he seems to constantly shift- as if he can't stand still because of how excited he is.

She nods, her own returning smile is beaming and bright- lighting up her features, hand reaching forward to empty some of the weight in Jiminie hyung's hands.

But becomes puzzled when it seems like a ribbon seems to have wrapped and gotten entangled around several of the props, tying them together. I step forward to help, hands undoing the weaved ribbon and as I do so my hand brushes against (Y/N)'s. For some reason, the small touch sends the feeling of sparks where our hands touched briefly and when I look at her I find myself drawn to the wide inviting depths of her eyes, the way she blinks uncertainly- her eyelashes brushing against the skin at the high of her cheeks, cheeks that have pinkened. Her full lips part in surprise, rose petals of colour.

And then her hand gently untangles the last slip of ribbon, letting the pale thin material flutter down, distracting my gaze from her. I step back feeling my cheeks warm, eyes averting suddenly, feeling conscious of how close I'd been- worried all of a sudden that I might've made her feel uncomfortable.

But she just gives a small smile, stepping back- ribbon trailing over her fingers, fluttering as it drifts to the ground.

"You know how to use that (Y/N)?" Jiminie hyung asks, eyes observing the way she seems to hold it close, how her eyes flutter down to it, and how it seems to intertwine between her fingers with a casual grace, with a familiarity.

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