Chapter 8- sounds of the soul

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"Aish...Kookie, the next time you're going to get 'held up' I'd appreciate a text at the very least." I sigh looking at our baby who's standing sheepishly in the doorway, but even as he does so there's no disguising this sort of joy and happiness that's expressed in his face, the small smile that seems to curve up against his will.

"Ah yes hyung, I'm sorry! I got a bit caught up..." he says, looking at me his wide doe-eyes, such a soft pleading look in them that I feel my concern and slight annoyance slip away.

"You got that caught up in playing at the arcade?" Jiminie asks, looking up at him from where he's sprawled across the floor with Tae cuddling into him.

He shrugs his shoulders, but there's something he's holding back. The shrug just a tad bit too stiff to be passed off as normal.

"Did something happen?" Joon-ah speaks up, book discarded to the side to give our maknae his full, undivided attention. His tone makes the others snap to attention, everyone closely scrutinising him.

"No! I just had a lot of fun today." he chirps.

Tae's eyes narrow playfully.

"Did our Kookie meet someone interesting?" he asks, voice deep and smooth- unwavering gaze glued onto Kookie who's frozen.

Hobi squeals, tugging Kookie towards him and wrapping him into a hug, pulling him onto his lap and looking eagerly.

"Did you make a friend?" he prompts but coos when Kookie ducks his head into his hyung's shoulder, cheeks flaming red at the teasing lilt.

I smile at the sight, heart thudding eagerly. If he did enjoy himself and make a friend, I know everyone would be extremely happy for him. He tended to stick to a close circle of friends, but if he was expanding out just a bit- it just reminded us of how far he'd come from the super shy, sweet boy we'd seen grow into a man.

But nevertheless, Kookie nods mumbling something against Hobi's shoulder.

"Ahhhh...did she beat you at anything?" Hobi asks, eyes twinkling as he turns to see Kookie who raises his head with a dejected pout- I want to kiss it away.

"She's really good at arcade games." He confesses, ducking his head when it rouses laughter from the maknaes who promptly begin to tease him about how he's finally met his match.

I smile at the laughter and scene that unfolds as everyone draws closer to tease and slightly coddle our dejected baby- but even so I notice that he doesn't look too put-out by it, for someone who has a competitive streak a mile long.

And at dinner, he's chatty and bright as he tells us more about his trip to the arcade, referring back to the girl several times- commenting that she was extremely competitive too.

And just for a moment as the others talk, my eyes catch onto the snack cupboard which one of them have left open again- and my thoughts stray to the girl from the supermarket, smiling at the memory. 

And just for a second I wonder how she's doing and amusedly...whether she finished all those snacks?


I blink my eyes open slowly, stifling a yawn as I stretch slightly, feeling the blankets shift and Tae to mumble slightly, lips moving against my collarbone as he grumbles, shifting slightly but continuing to keep hugging me as he sleeps. I smile at his sleeping figure, at the way his hair falls over his eyes and his legs have wound their way around me, plastered to mine- ensuring that there is no distance between our bodies. 

I slowly separate myself from his tightly attached limbs, scooting out slowly and slipping a pillow in my stead- one that Tae latches onto quickly- sighing in content- the brief scrunch on his face eased out by having something to hold.

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