Chapter 15- dancing with soul

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"Hyung you're home!" I say as Yoongi hyung enters with a basket, draping myself immediately across his bag and hugging him close even as he half-heartedly protests and makes no real effort to escape, not when he's smiling like that.

"Hello Tae." He mumbles, turning his head to suddenly steal a kiss, a sudden pressure on my lips as he easily controls the movements and he's the one grinning when he leans back and steps into the kitchen, setting the basket down.

I trail after him, taking a peek at the basket just as Jin hyung appears, humming as he rests his head on my shoulder.

"Yoongi-ah, you didn't get as many as you usually do." He remarks, pointing out what I've noticed too.

But hyung doesn't frown or look particularly bothered, if anything his cute adorable gummy smile stretches out further and he looks pleased as he takes his straw hat off.

"I got a bit distracted." He admits, to hyung's staring gaze, shrugging nonchalantly. He walks over to get the basket, heading to the sink to rinse them off before placing them carefully into a glass bowl.

"By?" Jin hyung asks, eyes alight with curiosity.

"Someone." He says.

I straighten up from where I've been leaning against the counter, almost dislodging hyung off my back who clutches tightly at me with a squawk of protest.

"A customer from the Magic Shop." He adds but I can see the slight hue of colour on hyung's cheeks, at being caught out or by mentioning said customer.

Interest definitely piqued the two of us make our way to Yoongi hyung who's hands are calm and measured as he arranges the strawberries, with far more precision and interest than he's ever shown, fiddling.

"Who?" the two of us ask in unison.

He turns, and realises he's caged in against the sink by the two of us and sighs resignedly.

"The person I told you about the other day." He says, eyes finally meeting ours- nothing defensive nor secretive about his eyes. They're his usual soft brown, looking at us.

I think back to the conversation we'd had that day. It was the day Hobi hyung complained about cuddles when hyung got home, movie night...

"Ah! You mean the wandering soul you mentioned?" I ask, head whipping up.

He nods, slightly sheepish, the rosy shade starkly apparent on his pale cheeks.

When hyung had talked particularly animated and interested about one customer he'd met that day- his words had lured us all in. because whilst he loved working at the Magic Shop, it was rare for a customer to leave an impression on him, usually it was the shop that left the impression on customers.

So when he'd talked about how passionate and connected and emotional she seemed about music, we'd all teased that he'd met his soulmate in that term and by that association ours too. Because we'd poured a bit of ourselves into that shop and to find someone so connected and comforted by it made us all feel happy and a bit of pride that our work, our dreams brought someone a tiny bit of peace.

I reach forward to snag one of the largest strawberries, ripe and red and plump and bite into it before hyung can say anything, before he can protest.

He just stares in disbelief as I laugh and rush away, strawberry juice staining my lips as I leave him behind with Jin hyung.

And Jin hyung's laughter that echoes throughout, filtering into the hallway I know he's done the same thing.

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