Chapter 4- I didn't sign up for this

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(Y/N) POV:

The stranger leaves and it's only when he's disappeared from view do I tug the scrapbook back in curiosity, wander what final message he's left behind.

My lips tug into a wide smile when I read the words he's left behind, a message that is surprisingly more flustering that spending that entire period of time with him. He found me fun? When I hadn't even said a word? Not to mention, it wasn't the word I was expecting. Usually people who approached me had by far a very different range of vocabulary and fun wasn't one of them- not unless it was phrased in the context of 'wanting to get together to have fun' delivered with the slimiest expressions and lust-filled eyes. And then after that, his name and then nickname- a privilege for his friends, and now extended to me? Does that mean he considers me a friend?

A slight groan leaves my lips, why am I overthinking a message of all things? Why is it so confusing? Have I lost my ability at being adept on reading human emotions? Why does it take a kind, entrancing stranger who doesn't let silence faze faze me and throw me off-balance.

"Kim Taehyung..." his name slips out of my mouth, rolling off my tongue with far more ease and fluidity than I'd accept. I like the way his name sounds, like how easy it is to say.

And then drop my head in exasperation.

Just why does that matter now?

Giving up, I place the book back onto the shelf and repack my bag. That's enough adventure for the day. This is the most human interaction I've done consecutively since the past...god knows how long it's been.

The sunlight has lessened slightly as I exit the library, breeze refreshing as it sifts through my hair and brushes across my face, gentle and oh-so-different to the usual salty air of our last place- this air is mixed with countless scents that intermingle, this air is starkly absent of the Ocean's presence. It's perfect.

Deciding to pick up pizza on the walk home is completely instantaneous and a spur of the moment decision but waiting for the pizzas to be made in a bright inviting space it seems isn't the best.

I can feel a few pair of eyes trained on me, from different sides and one or two heated gazes trained on my back and lower and it makes my skin crawl with revulsion, I fight the urge to ditch the pizzas and get out of here- the happy exclamations of joy that Habaek oppa and Mi-sun unnie had replied with makes me stick it out. Even if it feels like my skin is teeming with insects scuttling across.

The server behind the counter waves his hand to get my attention, gesturing to the two large boxes of pizza waiting at the side.

I hurry forward, smiling tightly and clutching those boxes tightly in front of me, escape the uncomfortable atmosphere- only breathing easily when I'm away from it all.

When we were remade as sirens, natural allure came with it, to help us be able to do our service well but that didn't mean that life became became difficult.

I burst into our home, brandishing the pizzas and yelling for the two of them to hurry wherever they may be and soon enough Habaek oppa comes eagerly bounding in and Mi-sun unnie rushes from upstairs, a bounce in her step and twinkle in her eye that I'm pretty sure doesn't relate to the joy of pizza.

No...this is her calculative, knowing smile.

The smile that has gotten me into situations I'd never agree to but find myself unfairly coerced to- she knows how to use my weak points against me, and as she grins around a bite of pizza, I can only fear what she's going to get me into this time.


"No! Absolutely not unnie...there's no way that I'm going along with your plans this time!" I say fixedly, crossing my arms and staying stiff as a board as she drapes herself around me, pecking my cheek lightly in a constant manner- trying to make me melt.

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