Chapter 37-late mornings and fun

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"Hyung where are the others?" I ask as I step into the kitchen, draping myself over Yoongi hyung's back and murmuring a good morning, kissing the back of his head.

He mumbles out a morning, taking a sip of his coffee before setting it down.

"Namjoon-ah said something about meeting up with someone for a book, some research stuff at work. Jin hyung has gone for his morning shoot, he won't be back for lunch, Taehyungie went to his studio- something about having a new project. Hobi went to wake Kookie an hour back but he's probably either fallen asleep with him, cuddling or both are in the shower together." He narrates dutifully in response to my question.

"And where's Jimin?" I tease.

I see his lips curve up when I turn to face him, head resting on his shoulder.

"Happily draped over his favourite hyung." He replies, turning his head to meet mine, moving forward to give me a greeting kiss.

"Now eat, breakfast will get cold." He says, patting the seat next to him, where he's got a plate waiting for me and gesturing to breakfast on the table.

I slide into the seat next him, smiling when he pours me a glass of juice and sets it down next to me.

"You're up late. Fun night?" he quips dryly, lips twitching when I flush, his eyes dropping to the very visible mark Jin hyung had left there last night, above the collar of my shirt.

His eyes rove down over the shirt I'm wearing, the one Jin hyung had discarded, left on the duvet as he left this morning- sees the way it gapes, eyes trailing at the wide neck of it.

"He must've left lots of them, you weren't very quiet." He says, voice calm and composed- as if they don't stir up memories of heated hands against my skin, the magnetic tug to each other, the fiery clash of lips, teeth, and tongue.

I flush, eyes dropping to the plate, fiddling with my fork.

He laughs.

"Eat up baby, I won't tease anymore." He says and though he's clearly finished with breakfast, he remains seated to give me company, piling more food on for me and sighing fondly when he wipes the corner of my mouth.

And he stays to help me clean up, we're debating whether or not we should take breakfast off the table when Kookie and Hobi hyung finally appear, Hobi hyung looking softly towards the sleepy baby he's tugged out with him.

"It took that long to get him out of bed?" I ask incredulously.

Hobi hyung nods.

"So I lay there with him and promised I'd go to cheer him on at the arcade." He says, eyes all fond and soft as he begins filling Kookie's plate before his own, watching him eat slowly before tucking in himself.

"Thanks for breakfast hyung, we'll clear up." he says. Hyung nods before leaving, and I once again find myself seated at the table, this time sitting there to pour hyung coffee and to get Kookie a glass of banana milk, which he sips at- smiling at me with his shining eyes, that are slowly becoming more awake.

"Thank you hyung." He says after swallowing a mouthful.

"Welcome baby. So why do you need cheering on?" I ask, propping my hand up on my fist.

His eyes become filled with determination, chewing at his mouthful with more visible ire.

"Someone beat my top score. And I can't exactly challenge (Y/N) when I'm not even number one." he grumbles with a cute pout.

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