Chapter 94- write to me

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There's the sound of the door bell ringing that has me tearing my eyes away from the game, pressing pause as I get up, eyes falling to the way Joon was too deeply engrossed in something, brows furrowed as he peered at the screen, completely shut off from the world with the headphones around his ears.

I pad towards the door, smiling when on opening it reveals (Y/N) standing there, face flushed and trying to detach herself from Tae who'd completely latched on, arms wound around her and refusing to let go.

And together they waddle into the house, Tae's lips constantly brushing across the back of her head, her nape even as she giggled and tried to wriggle away.

"No Tae. The answer is still a no." she says as she manages to detach herself to bend down and take her shoes off, my eyes catching the way Tae's eyes flash, darken with hunger before it vanished just as quick.

Dragging his feet as he clutched at her once more, eyes wide and batting his lashes.

It was a dangerous look.

It was a look that said he wanted something and would do anything to get it.

It made me wonder just what exactly had happened on their date. 

(Y/N) shoots me a silent look for help, smiling when I manage to extract her and twirl her away, body ducking down behind mine, laughing when he petulantly called out for her.

"Oh but (Y/N)~" he wheedles, following behind the two of us into the living room, watching as she moves towards Joon, still unaware and unsuspecting as she quietly pads forward and lifts his laptop away to plop down onto his lap.

There's confusion for less than an instant in his eyes at the sudden loss of the screen before he smiles, dimpled and fond as he easily wraps his arms around her, drawing her close and smiling into the greeting kiss she gives, leaning into him.

"Where's mine?" I ask as I walk over, eyes roving and drinking in the way Joon's fingers tilt her mouth to him, the way his finger rubs across her jaw, head tilting to her and sighing against her lips when her fingers curl around his wrist and hold on.

Their lips part and (Y/N) turns to me, smiling and falling into the kiss when I bend my head towards her, coaxing her forward, tilting her face up and lips pressing fiercely against hers, swallowing the small, muffled groan when my hand grips her chin, tugging her closer, the way her hand falls to my chest and curls into the fabric, drawing herself closer.

Tongue swiping across her lips and briefly sliding in, parting her mouth under mine before I move back, smiling down at her.

And then Tae's behind me.

"Now you didn't let me kiss you like that!" he complains.

And her eyes flash, something amused, incredulous and heated all at once.

"Stop comparing that to this! Where are the others?" she retorts playfully before her eyes drift to search for the others.

"Jiminie's teaching baby ballet, Yoongi hyung's at the shop and...Kookie and Jin hyung vanished some time ago." I list off.

Knowing full well that Joon had been too lost in his own world since the headphones had closed around his ears and that determined focused look had appeared in his eyes.

She nods, eyes drifting to the laptop.

Expression slightly shuttering as she sees what Joon was upto. A brief look of something flashing across her eyes before it disappeared. Vanished as if it hadn't ever been there.

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