Chapter 20- so close...

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"Hyung~ is there any more rainbow cupcakes?" Kookie asks as he heads into the kitchen where alongside Jin hyung, Hobi and I are cooking- though Hobi is doing a better job at distracting than he is at cooking the rice- dragging me into his arms to swirl me around even as I insist that someone needs to check the stew.

Hobi freezes mid spin, leaving me to almost stumble into his arms but he manages to right me, shooting me an apologetic grin as we focus on our maknae who's beginning to rifle through the fridge with a hopeful expression.

Jin hyung turns from the sink.

"No Kook-ah...and anyways you'll spoil your appetite. Hyung will give you one of his salted caramel ones afterwards." He calls.

But the two of us don't miss the sad pout on his lips as he closes the fridge and even Jin hyung hears the sad sigh, turning to stare at the maknae.

"Yah what's wrong with my cupcakes? I slaved over that caramel!" he complains, looking betrayed even as Kookie drags himself over to us, leaning sadly onto Hobi who coos and presses kisses to his face, making giggles erupt instead.

"The rainbow ones were really bright and pretty." He mumbles.

And even as Jin hyung calls out for everyone to have dinner Kookie milks the sad pout for all it's worth, once again plastering the sad look on as the others enter, so he can easily melt into the others' petting and fussing- Tae even having the nerve to jump in on it and whining playfully.

Though hyung's glitter as he threatens to never bake for them, he can't help the twitch of his lips as we sit down to eat.

And the night passes in the usual ambience of fond teasing and laughter, but even so my mind drifts to the rainbow cupcakes and the person who'd baked them.

The image of (Y/N) darting around the kitchen with her usual small smile as she bakes makes me unconsciously smile- the way hyung had been talking animatedly about his baking partner as we'd cooked had made Hobi initially poke his head in curiosity about why hyung could be heard laughing through towards the stairs and had jumped into the fray. But seeing the way hyung had been so excited and eager to share his experience, especially because I knew who he was talking about had made me feel so soft towards hyung- at the way he was so easily opening up to the silent sweet girl for whom it was obvious he was beginning to form a soft spot for. It was endearing, as if hyung was beginning to see her as a dongsaeng and take her under his large wing.

I couldn't help but hope that we could finish our conversation from last time, I also wanted to know how she was going to use the music- whether she was going to try and make something from it. It made me excited and I couldn't help but wonder when I would see her next.


I blink my eyes open because Hobi and Jiminie's phones chime, and the two shift around sleepily, bodies moving and covers rustling as they splay their arms out to grapple blindly for them.

Hobi is the first one to pick up his phone, leaning away from me as he curves towards the desk, yawning as he checks and on my other side, Jiminie curls back into me even as he opens his phone, blearily at first and then slightly awake as he turns to peer at Hobi.

"Hyung...did you get the same text?" he asks, hair mussed and looking adorably droopy as he splays himself over me to lean to get to Hobi and even though I huff- he takes no heed, instead presses himself further into me, with a teasing sleepy smile.

"Yeah...I'll just text her the studio pin." He mumbles, tapping away before the phone is placed back and he dives back into my side, clutching tightly as he smiles against the curve of my neck.

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