Chapter 18- three becomes four

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The time rolls around for our group dance session and I had grown more excited as the days passed and Jiminie hyung and Hobi hyung had nonchalantly over dinner informed me that in tomorrow's practice I'd get to meet the girl who'd they'd offered a place to on our team. That she had accepted and now this time tomorrow I'd have already met her.

It made me nervous. Anxious to think about whether or not we'd mesh well as fellow dancers and teammates, whether our chemistry would be good, whether we'd be able to merge our styles to create something captivating and beautiful.

And even as Jiminie hyung and Hobi hyung tug me towards them to share a bed with tonight, I can't help feeling slightly apprehensive and worried- knowing that her induction into our team meant that the dynamics would shift, because we'd be including someone who held a different sort of relationship with the three of us. Almost like we were adding someone new and yet unknown to the familiar intimacy we had as we danced and moved together.

But Hobi hyung is quick to take me into his arms and murmur comfort, pressing sweet kisses to the nape of my neck, tugging my body further into his so he can spoon me, Jiminie hyung facing me so our knees touch even as he leans forward to easily take control of my mouth, tugging my pliant lips into his as he kisses and nibbles his way into my parted mouth, tongue stroking in and claiming me in slow lazy strokes.

"Don't worry Kookie. We wouldn't add someone we didn't think would fit in our group. And if after meeting her you still don't think it'll work out- we'll figure out a way to get around that." He murmurs when he leans back, thumb rubbing against my cheek before his hand slides down to press against my chest.

"Sleep Kook-ah. Tomorrow is going to be an eventful day." Jiminie hyung murmurs before pressing a kiss to the tip of my nose and sandwiched between the warmth and familiar touch of two of my hyungs I fall asleep- dreaming of this faceless dancer I'm yet to meet.

From the moment I wake up, to getting showered and dressed and having breakfast- I'm getting jittery with nerves, I can feel it in the way my energy seems to roll and swell and gather under my skin, itching to get out but remaining pent-up, making me restless. It doesn't get burnt off in the run I go for before everyone's awake, it doesn't fade even after rushing around teasing the hyungs, nor does it go away even as Tae hyung backs me against the door and pins me there, kissing and licking fierily into my mouth, urging me to let some of that energy out in a passionate battle for control. 

And even as we get into the car, the hyungs turn over their shoulders to look at me, smiles reassuring and gaits comfortable and loose.

"Hyung wouldn't lie to you Kook-ah. There's nothing to worry about." Hobi hyung says as he starts the car and Jiminie hyung leans over to squeeze my knee.

That is what helps me loose some of the nervousness. Allows some of it to bleed out with the soft familiarity of the sweet gesture. And as we drive to the studio, I peer out of the window- trying to imagine what she'd look like and how she dances like, excitement slowly beginning to replace the slightly antsy feeling.

But I realise as we pull up to the studio and get out that in my nerves I'd forgotten the foresight of grabbing the chilled water bottles I had left in the fridge, I remembered taking them out and groaned aloud when I realised that I'd left them on the kitchen counter.

The two turn to face me, eyes puzzled as they look at me but wave me off to go get some whilst they head to the studio, calling out for me to catch up with them and we part- they turn right towards our dance studio and I turn left to head towards the stocked kitchen we have. I kneel down to grab three bottles when suddenly I recall the new member- reaching out to grab one for her too and slowly make my way back to the studio, curiosity getting the best of me and finally dispelling the large majority of all my worries and doubts.

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