Chapter 108- steps back to you

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The sound of the car pulling up in the driveway has my head rising away from the recipe book I was pouring over, Jin hyung's body a slumped curve at the table as he chops vegetables for salad methodically; eyes void of the usual teasing sparkling warmth that makes his brown eyes shine.

And then the front door opens, the small sounds of clatter as Kookie moves around in the hallway, quietly shucking his shoes off. But it makes my body turn, Jin hyung's eyes rising from the table, half-rising as he sets the knife down, my hands reaching for the tray to set down in the dining table in the living room; feet hurrying forward, not wanting to make him feel cornered, as if I'd rushed to hurry to him, not wanting to make him retreat when he'd only left his room today to hurry out the house, face stricken and imploring.

But the sight makes my hands tremble, tray shaking in my hands, eyes drifting over the sight and taking in the image of (Y/N) standing at the door with Kookie, shoes still on and eyes widening with surprise, something easing away in the stiffness in her shoulders. Her name slips past my lips, a shaky exhale, relief seeping into every inch of my skin, thrumming through my veins as I look at her, eyes unwilling to tear away from her; fearing if I did, she'd vanish. My hands hurry to set the tray down, all ideas of pretence, of hiding my concern melting away as I move towards her. My arms wind around her, drawing her close, breaths shaky as I clutch her close, feel her body sink against mine, arms curling around me to hold me close. Her breath hitches as she burrows her head against my shoulder, a slight tremor to her body and the dampness of her drying hair pressing to my face.

"You're really here... you're actually here." I whisper, breath shaking as I lean away to peer at her, heart aching at the vulnerability that shines in her eyes, a tentative curl at her lips.

"She's finally here. It's hard work tracking her down." Kookie murmurs, a wide relieved smile tugging at his lips, looking more content and finally at peace and ease than he had since we'd seen (Y/N) break down, crumbling under the weight of her suffocating reality and past.

Finally he was content and relaxed. He was happy. His hair is similarly damp, curling at the tips as it dries, doe eyes shiny with a proud glossy sheen as he curls behind her, arms winding around her waist, knuckles pressing against my stomach from how closely the three of us press.

"I'm sorry." She mumbles against my shoulder.

My hands tighten, shaking my head as I uncurl an arm to tilt her face up, eyes searching her, making sure she wasn't hurt, she wasn't feeling uncomfortable or stifled to be here.

"You needed time, don't be sorry for needing a breather to process it all." I say quietly.

Her hands tighten for a fraction before they uncurl, eyes peering past me and expression turning pained and longing and when I turn Jin hyung's standing at the doorway, spots of colour high on his cheeks and eyes brimming with tears. His lips part in a breathless, soundless call, feet staggering forward a few steps before (Y/N)'s carefully nudging past me, ducking away and hurrying forward to him, to be encased in his arms that curl around her and shake as he folds her close, head dropping over hers as tears trickle down his cheeks silently.

Their bodies press together tightly, hands wound around each other with a feverish need to be close, her body curving smaller and tucked up against him. It strikes me as I watch him cradle her that Jin hyung represents comfort and safety for her; an easy, even ground where she doesn't stumble, where she feels inexplicably protected. His broader frame and tall embrace and the way he holds her reminds me of the way Habaek protectively holds her. As if he wants to hide her away from the world and shield her from every hurt. He holds her as if he physically wants to block every shred of suffering and pain that tries to reach her.

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