Chapter 55- cooking and cuteness

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"Hyung do I have to be the one to go?" I ask incredulously, looking at him with wide eyes as he moves around, plucking our jackets off the hook and picking up the car keys.

"I'll be bored baking on my own Joon-ah, and you're the only one available in front of my eyes." He huffs, lips twitching when I give him an affronted look, betrayed that I'm chosen simply because I'm the only one he can grab.

"But baking? You said I wasn't allowed in kitchens! And I'm not even signed up to the lessons!" I protest, trying to find the logic behind his reasoning.

"I put you down as a prospective student for today, I've cleared it already with the teacher." He says, already nudging me forward, hand against my back and the other one busily putting the jacket into my hands.

"And Joon-ah, you don't want hyung to be bored do you? And you just need to stand there looking pretty for me baby." He says, voice warm as he speaks from behind me, leaning forward to press a kiss to my cheek.

I sigh, already putty in his hands.

"Fine hyung, but I'm not responsible for any damage."  I huff, leading the way out of the house, smiling when he blows a kiss to me before getting into the car.

As we drive I'm struck by a sudden thought.

"But you bake with (Y/N), is she not going to come today?" I ask, turning just in time to see Jin hyung's jaw tighten, the tick visible in his cheek, eyes fixed on the road.

"She wasn't feeling her best when me and Hobi came back. She wasn't in a good state." He confesses, voice tinged with worry and concern.

I think back to when the two had returned home, how silent they'd been, lost in thought and almost moving automatically as they greeted all of us, each sporting distant, faraway looks.

It had been Yoongi hyung who had to remind Hobi that they had a dance lesson that evening, and he'd rounded Kookie and Jiminie up for him, sending them off with a contemplative look.

But neither Hobi nor Jin hyung divulged exactly what had happened, though they'd mentioned that Habaek had been drugged, his drink had been spiked. It had made me feel angry, made me feel a sudden spike of protectiveness and worry for (Y/N), worrying over what could've happened if it had been her drink that had been drugged, considering her much smaller frame and just how much harder it could've hit her. But from the sounds of it Habaek had been given a high dosage, he'd been unfocused and unable to be coherent for the majority of it. And that in itself was worrying and despicable for someone to do.

Which was why I didn't press for another meeting with him, I figured I'd give a few days so he could rest and recuperate properly.

But what I didn't know that (Y/N) hadn't seemed well either, it made me feel slightly restless as hyung drove.

"Was it bad?" I ask carefully, hearing the slight panic in my own voice.

Jin hyung hums noncommittally.

"Quite bad." He confesses in a quiet voice.

But then his voice rises in volume.

"Which is why I need a baking partner today Joon-ah, and you are my lucky love!" he chirps, voice sounding as if he was trying to forcefully instil enthusiasm into his words. It also made me realise that Jin hyung, the one who could happily potter around the kitchen for hours on end alone as he experimented, wanted one of us there to distract him from the glaringly obvious absence, of baking without (Y/N).

And I'd do it for him. I'd be the silly, goofy, clumsy lover he needed me to be. Would allow him to distract himself by scolding, chiding and playfully tutting at me as he whisked away my mess and restored order again to the kitchen.

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