Chapter 101- surprises

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Hobi's date planning is furtive, secretive. It's extensive and detailed. It includes sprawled out papers and endless tabs on any device he can get his hands on, swiping away Joon's one with a promise to give it back soon.

That had been days ago.

And now Joon pouts over his shoulder, trying to reach for it only to have his hand smacked away.

"But I need it! There's this new podcast that's out and I figured since (Y/N) liked the last mythology book, she'll like to listen to it. I wanted to get her something too." He complains, trying bravely to reach for it again, sidling around to reach out for the lit up screen.

A hand curls around his wrist.

"Joon, I said no. I've got things open on that. I'm looking at reviews, and I need it. I'm waiting on the booking to open." He says without tearing his eyes away from the other screen he's pouring over. Eyes narrowed as he focuses on a timer.

"What exactly is the timer for?" I ask, eyeing the filled dinner table, devices lit up and pages open.

He looks like he's preparing studiously for something.

"A countdown. For when the booking site will go live. I'm going to need to be as fast as I can to secure these seats, it's a very rare event." He mumbles.

And then yells for Kookie, wherever he is in the house, loud and urgent.

"I'm going to need you on this laptop. Eight seats. We need eight seats." He says, ushering a rumpled Kookie down into a chair.

I watch as he tugs at his hair, pushing it away.

"I was in the middle of a game hyung. But because it's for this spectacular date you've promised, I'll do it." He says resignedly, cracking his knuckles and twisting his head, shaking his hands as he draws the laptop to him, eyes narrowing with a competitive determined gleam.

A look that shows he just won't back down. That he'll do anything and everything to get those seats.

"Eight seats? A movie?" I ask, curiosity piqued. Must be a golden age film. Or a newly premiered one.

I hear a scoff, incredulous. See eyes flash for a moment to me, piercing burning brown.

"A movie? That's not the spectacular date I'm promising." He says, eyes turning around when Kookie calls out for the timer nearly ending.

And then it's a frantic mass of clicking, rapid tapping as the two of them focus on the screens, terse silence stretching out as Joon quietens beside me, the two of us watching with that same nervous anticipation that Hobi and Kookie's focus was giving off.

It was nerve-wracking to just witness this tenseness even if we didn't know what it was for, so when Tae bounds in with a grin and Tannie scooped up in his arms, heading towards our cluster, my hand darts out to still him. To catch him and draw him back when it looks like he's going to interrupt.

"You don't want to do that Tae. Important business happening at the moment." Hobi mutters out, tapping before stilling.

Waiting with bated breath.

And then he leans away, body sagging with relief and slumping down, eyes burning with triumph and light even as Kookie moans and huffs, voice contrite and apologetic as he twists to face Hobi.

"I did it. I did it. Eight tickets secured and paid for. Date set." He says, voice brimming with exuberance. Spilling over in his giddy laughs as his head falls back, grinning at us upside down.

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