Chapter 66- bring the pain on

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Days tick down and anticipation and excitement goes up. Each passing hour, each passing day makes the giddy wait become even more the sweeter. And somehow every text, every glimpse of her, every mention of her name in our household is suddenly welcomed, are sudden sweet delicate gusts of air that brush across and filter into the rooms. Somehow without being physically present, she still manages to capture the attention, the focus of us all.

And yet she'd also been awfully cryptic and silent- only answering the texts when we'd sent them over; she didn't initiate any herself, and as I scroll through my past messages I get reminded that she felt comfortable to, so her lack of contact was worrying. Worrying in the way that made me feel if she was still trying to process it, if suddenly the notion of dating seven of us simultaneously perhaps was daunting and scary and making her revert to her silent ways again.

But knowing that our feelings weren't hidden anymore- not from us, each other or (Y/N) suddenly meant that every interaction with her was more vibrant, more vivid, more intense. Now there wasn't the guilt that came when eyes lingered on her, when the urge to hold her grew stronger and no shying away from the sparks of attraction whenever we touched.

And knowing that before our date we would have a dance session together had me rising earlier than usual, had me giddily involving myself as I made breakfast with the hyungs, head peeping over Hobi hyung's careful arrangement of fruits and light snacks as he packed a dosirak, humming happily- face lit up with an inner joy, an elation that I could relate to all well.

"Packing snacks? That's a first that you're doing it hyung." Jimin hyung says as he enters the kitchen, a half-asleep Tae hyung clinging to him- the sight so endearing and amusing in the way Tae hyung in his sleepy state is weighing down in full force making Jimin hyung struggle to keep straight.

"'ll mean more if I'm offering snacks that I prepared rather than the hyungs- I got up early to save them the trouble." He comments but he's beaming at the fruits he's arranging and the hummus with its array of colourful dippers.

"She'll love the gesture hyung, if she doesn't madly fall in love with your precise cutting skills." I say, arms tightening around his waist, and to reward me for my encouragement he brings a piece of fruit to my lips.
A heart shaped piece of melon.

The gesture is super sweet and romantic, so is the way Jin hyung comes in and complains about the fruit he's wasted to make them into the shape- romantic in its own way that he scolded him lightly but happily and nibbled away at them, large chunks that lay on the plate.

"Take me with you." Tae hyung mumbles, still half-asleep, leaning into Joon hyung's shoulder who absentmindedly feeds him with a distant gaze on his face. He continues to open his mouth when he feels the food nudge against his lips, parting them to chew slowly.

"Tae baby you're not even awake. And don't you have a shoot today?" Jin hyung says, sitting down and ruffling his hair, tapping Joon hyung's cheek to get his attention.

"What's got you distracted darling?" he asks.

He shrugs.

"Just (Y/N) coming to dance today?" he suddenly asks, going from vague and distracted to focused and sitting up straight, almost dislodging Tae hyung from his shoulder.

"Yeah...she answered our text. She said she's been busy because Habaek seems to have come down with something." Jiminie hyung answers, finally fitting the puzzle pieces together to give us an answer that makes sense.

That the reason she hadn't been answering was because she'd been busy taking care of Habaek and the fact that she cares so much about him, that she had been focused so much on him makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. We got lucky to have been drawn to someone, to like someone with such a tender loving heart. 

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