Chapter 97- crumbling walls

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"Reckon (Y/N)'s staying over tonight?" Mi-sun asks, a cold foot coming to nudge at me on the sofa, ignoring the yelp and the way I clutched the blanket drawing it around me protectively, shielding myself from her cold limbs reaching over to attack.

I glare at her as I tuck myself under the blanket, wriggling to get away and curling the blanket more tightly around me.

"Probably. It's late, if she hasn't come back, she's likely staying there."  I say, turning back to focus on the film.

Screeching when the blanket is yanked from where I'd tucked myself in, cold limbs pressing close as she wriggled to worm her way under beside me, plastering herself next to me and humming as she latched on, leeching the heat from my body.

"Mi-sun get off! You're freezing." I protest, twisting to yank my hand free, feeling my skin pebble with goosebumps.

But she latches on tightly, curled up beside me.

Voice delighted when she speaks.

"Who's bed?" she asks.

Whether the radiance in her words come from (Y/N) not being at home or at stealing my body heat I don't know. Maybe it's both. It probably is.

I whack her arm, relishing the startled yelp.

"Any bed she wants it to be. Stop being so nosy." I scold.

But she sighs, sounding content and happy.

"True....I'm glad she's able to do this again. It feels like forever." She says softly, voice warm as she curls beside me, bullying her way under my arm to tuck against my chest.

Mi-sun and (Y/N) were polar opposites.

One latched on and demanding attention.

The other I latched onto and gave attention.

"It has been forever hasn't it. Not since...she hasn't let herself have something like since London." I say softly, fiddling with the blanket, twisting the corner of it around my fingers.

Not since London.

Not since Blackfriars Bridge.

I shiver dances across the back of my spine, a chilling numbness that has nothing for the way Mi-sun plasters close.

She hadn't opened herself up to this sort of love, this consuming burning, all-encompassing feeling of drowning in love, in playing with its lustrous flames.

Not since then.

And to see her be fully and truly alive...after nearly two centuries.

She hadn't dared to wish for a love like that. Hadn't dared to bring the Ocean's awareness into her life again.

But centuries later, (Y/N) had begun to understand, had begun to truly learn to forgive herself, truly began to want to heal, wanted to fall and lose herself once more.

And for what? Love.

A love that she gave thirty years for. A love that she took a life sentence for.

A love that she could only have now at the cost of them remaining alive.

Just thinking about the price she had to pay made my heart burn and soul scream and writhe with agony. Made me resent and despite the part of the Ocean that lived in our veins, wished to tear it out of my body.

A tap to my cheek has me unclenching the blanket, has my aching fingers letting go as I turn to face Mi-sun, teasing playfulness void.

Soft and open.

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