Chapter 109- one more dance

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My body feels like lead as I step out the car, distantly realising that the other car's parked on the right; nearest to the doorway. I drag my body towards the door, every muscle sore, protesting with the constant motions I kept pushing it through for the past few days.

And yet no matter how much I danced I couldn't figure out how (Y/N) had been doing the same to her body for centuries. How she'd been tirelessly dancing and constantly pushing herself for one more dance. No matter how much of the music I waded through, my body turned and curved because of I couldn't figure... couldn't decide or pinpoint which ones were songs essential to her. 

I tried to dance to figure out more. I danced to try and learn more, to try and connect with her, to reach towards her soul, timeless and mortal all at once, towards that dancer that had always remained; simultaneously in the spotlight and the shadows behind the curtain fall. And yet... yet I couldn't reach out to her, couldn't cross the barriers that lifetimes posed. Not without her at least.

It took days of trying to place myself in her mindset, to dance to the same songs that she had, dances that had left their traces in history, and was failing. And it took days of her glaring absence to realise that to understand her I didn't need to be in her mind. I just needed to be there for her... with her. Her long lifetime didn't define her... didn't define our time together. It defined the time she'd past and the obstacles she'd had to overcome to get here. It made me realise that uncrossable barrier we'd felt; in her selective mutism, in the way she'd been so apprehensive to initiate contact, flinching back from warmth and genuineness was because to her it could all fade. It could all melt.

Because sirens, as Joon had told us, were figures of allure.

And so to (Y/N) she was waiting for the inevitable she presumed would slot into place.

That we'd either have fallen for her because of her allure; drunk on need for her. Or time would cause our paths to diverge.

And it's a sinking realisation that I hadn't reached out to her these past few days, both thinking that she'd rather we respect that distance that had unconsciously been put between us but also needing the time myself to grapple with it all.

When I step through, the house is alive.

Alive in a way it hadn't been for the past week. The sombreness that had settled has gone now, the air lighter and the ambience something warm and tentatively hopeful. And there's a smaller pair of shoes mingling with the others, crowding around the shoe shelves.

My head rises, eyes searching with hope for  (Y/N), heartbeat accelerating as I step forward, weariness sinking to the back of my head as I peek into the living room.

There's no-one there.

But the hum of lively chatter seeps out of the kitchen, the hyungs, Jimin and Joon flitting about, circling and orbiting each other, smiles curving across their faces, eyes bright.

"Where's (Y/N)?" I ask by way of greeting.

Jimin's cheeks curve up, eyes scrunching as he beams, stops distracting Yoongi hyung, legs locked around his waist, as he turns his head towards me.

"She went up with Tae and Kookie... we thought we'd get a head start on making food." He says at the same time Yoongi hyung scoffs.

Pinching his side lightly.

"And yet you won't let go." He mutters under his breath, lips twitching.

"I'll go see her." I say, stepping away and there's warm knowledge flickering in their eyes, encouraging nods as I hurry and turn away, hastening up the stairs, heart lurching with nervous anticipation, tentative yet eager all at once.

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