Chapter 59- a shift, a change

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Something's changed. Something that seems to have caused the atmosphere to shift slightly.

There's a tension I don't know the exact cause of that thrums around the house, seeping into each nook and cranny- into the crevices of our rooms, in our shared time in the living room and kitchen and it seems to build, mounting higher and higher- thick and palpable.

Joon had returned home looking distinctively tickled pink and pleased, his deep dimpled grin hadn't vanished all night and once Kookie and I had tag-teamed up on him, we'd wheedled out of him that he found (Y/N) to be so adorable and cute whilst she was sleeping, and mumbled about how nice her hugs were. I could relate to him on that far too well, her hugs were very very nice but I felt a pang of jealousy and regret that I couldn't see her all curled up sleeping. I had no doubt that it would make for a heart wrenchingly sweet image. 

But that hadn't been all.

Yoongi hyung had returned home looking significantly withdrawn and lost in thought, silently contemplating something during dinner, silent despite all the loud chatter and countless attempts to stop and draw him into conversation.

It was simply as if his mind was elsewhere.

And when we'd all split off into groups for bed, he'd silently tugged Tae into his arms, who'd been more than delighted to have some one on one time with his fellow Daegu, winding his arms around hyung in a tight cuddle, and laughing when he made a huffy face- as if he wasn't secretly relishing in the feeling.

But somehow it feels like hyung hasn't merely sought Tae for cuddles and one on one comfort, today there's deeper meaning and intention in the hand that splays across Tae's back, there's unspoken words flickering in the warm dark depths of hyung's eyes.

And only the morning will shed light on whether it was something good or bad.


Tae appears looking confused and slightly reflective at breakfast, sinking into the chair beside me with silence- a rare and unheard-of occurrence, Tae likes making his presence known whether that be with a vocal loud call of greeting or physically by draping himself over the nearest person and demanding cuddles.

"Something wrong baby?" I ask, sliding a glass of juice in front of him and watching as his fingers wrap automatically around it but he makes no move to lift it up and gulp it down eagerly as he always does.

He looks up at me after long silent moments of contemplation, eyes expression confusion and hurt.

My heart aches at the sight and automatically I reach out to cradle his cheeks, turning him properly towards me.

"What is it?" I ask, fingers rubbing back and forth across the highs of his cheeks.

He sighs, a morose downcast sound.

Yoongi hyung appears in the doorway, looking apologetic and sorrowful as he takes the seat beside Tae and kisses the back of his head.

"Tae-ah, don't beat yourself up over it." Hyung says.

But it's clear given Tae's expression that whatever it is, he's silently berating himself for it internally.

And when things like this happen, it's better to nip them in the bud then let the worries grow and fester. He already looks so troubled, I don't want him to be bearing the brunt of the burden alone, cracking under it.

"But hyung, (Y/N) must think I'm the worst! Do you know what I said to her hyung? I said nothing happened. She must think I don't care whatsoever about her." he says, voice low and rough- slightly hoarse, thick with emotions and given the wobble of his lips he looks close to tears.

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