Chapter 114- game on

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(Y/N) POV:

"There's literally no way you'll win against me. I was literally alive when arcades opened. I've played games they don't even have antiques of. I've played every arcade game there is Kook." I laugh, nudging against him as we walk towards the entrance.

Knowing by the fierce competitive gleam we were going to leave with lighter pockets.

"All I'm hearing is you're old. Lost your touch... I wouldn't be surprised." He jibes, nudging back, hip brushing against mine. Face scrunched playfully.

"Old or not. You'll be eating your words Koo. When have you ever beaten me in a game first time round... I don't want to hurt your feelings on a date." I say with a sigh, even as my fingers reach for his, entangling together.

He squeezes back.

"Hah! An ego isn't going to help! Pride comes before a fall sweetheart." He crows, leading me in, our eyes raking over the countless machines, the flashing blur of lights and sounds and invitingly stretched out maze of games awaiting us. Beckoning us.

"And if you fall? You lose? Then?" I challenge.

His brows rise, grinning as he shakes his head, earrings dangling and shaking distractedly.

"If you lose?" he retorts.

"Winner gets a wish. A payment of sorts." I offer.

His eyes gleam with the ever familiar competitiveness I can feel welling up in me too.

"You're on. Last time I wanted a kiss. This time let's raise the stakes."

I lean forward, head tilted to brush my lips across his ear.

"You'll be eating your words if you can form any baby boy." And though his eyes dilate slightly, his words are wicked and just as sweetly promising.

"Boldly assuming you'll have breath to scream."

I pat his arm consolingly.

"You're cute."

Drawing him inside the arcade with the ever-familiar thrum of excitement and eagerness welling up inside me. I don't know when it'd become our place but it has. Who knew a small rivalry over the number one spot on the dance leaderboard could lead to this? Who knew that having the elusive JK step up to dance with me one the machines would've spiralled and bloomed in the most wonderful of ways?

Who knew I'd be speaking in such a public space with no worry weighing down on me? Without pressure or nausea stifling me.

"And you're a cheat! The next time we have a swimming competition I want you to have a handicap!" he exclaims, eyes alight with indignation as the realisation dawns on him.

My lips stretch wider, dragging his hand closer to mine and tilting my lips up to kiss him. Feel him startle before his vacant hand winds around me to draw me closer, lips soft and warm against mine, the slight pout he'd been adorning melting away as it morphs into a smile, chasing the familiarity, slotting against mine and retracing with the flick of his tongue, every curve and dip.

Press a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth.

"I mean for what it's worth... chlorine really damages my tail when I next go into the Ocean... not a pretty sight." I lament playfully, laughing at the frowned furrow of his brows, mouth opening to say something when I squeeze his fingers gently, drawing him alongside me, further into the bustle of the machines.

"I'm kidding Koo~ you might want to tell Joon to cross off mermaids from his myths and lore sources. I don't have a tail."

Eyes drifting over the machines.

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