Chapter 14- sweet as strawberries

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When Jin hyung returns home with a box of delicious smelling cookies, everyone attacks him as he enters through to the living room, trying to layer our usual shower of greeting hugs and kisses with arms that try to grab the box out of his raised arms.

"Yah! Let me sit down first, you waited for the cookies not for me!" he protests as he sinks into the couch, a grin on his face despite the feigned angry look he was trying to sport.

"Ahh no hyung...we missed you!" Jiminie is quick to say, curling up immediately into hyung's left side, tilting his head up to press kisses to hyung's collarbones and necks, showering him with his easy casual affection.

Hyung splutters but he's smiling as he brings the box to the front opening it and proffering it to all of us.

There's a silence that only ever falls when it comes to eating, broken by the sounds of pleasure at the taste, the small hums of joy as we all chew the cookies we'd grabbed.

"Hyung you made two flavours?"  Joonie asks, leaning forward to now choose a white chocolate and raspberry cookie.

"Nope! Half of them were my baking partner's. She made those ones." He says gesturing to the cookie that Joonie has now started happily chewing.

Our heads swivel to hyung. Baking partner? A she?

"But hyung you don't like working with others in the kitchen." Kookie says after a mouthful, doe eyes shining with confusion.

"That's's hard enough to get into the kitchen when you're in the zone." I remark, leaning forward and stealing a bite of Tae's cookie- eyes widening at the taste of the cookies hyung's baking partner has made.

"They're really good." I say, laughing even as Tae lets out a sound of protest, twisting indignantly, my hands pulling him back towards me.

"She's not like other people I've met, she's really nice and friendly, has this way of pulling you in." hyung remarks, gaze slightly distant.

His words bring to mind (Y/N) for some reason, her silent sweet way of communicating, expressive eyes and body posture conveying more than perhaps words can at time. And when I saw her dance there was this aura around her, something that captured my gaze and held it there.

She was really nice too. From the few instances I'd seen her that is.

I couldn't wait to see her dance, Jiminie had spun me into a happy hug when he'd read the text, excitement bubbling out in the form of bright eyes, excited laughter, and eager chatter.

"She's going to be amazing; I just know it." He'd said. And somehow I felt the same, felt that what we would see in a few days' time would be something that blew me away.

And I'm sure I'm not the only one who spots the smile that tugs at hyung's lips, at the enjoyment he'd gotten from baking with her. Something told me she was going to become a good friend to hyung.


I groan around a mouthful of cookie, relishing and savouring the chocolate that bursts across my mouth.

"These are really good." I mumble, gesturing to the half-eaten cookie and looking up to how Habaek and (Y/N) are enjoying their own in a far more silent manner.

Habaek pauses looking down at his own cookie before leaning over to steal a bite of (Y/N)'s one and then nods eagerly.

"They are! Who made them?" Habaek asks, turning to face (Y/N).

Her cheeks flush slightly, a tiny tint of rose colouring her round full cheeks,

Interest piqued I straighten up, edging closer to her.

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