Chapter 34- regrets and memories

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I'm sure I'm not imagining the way (Y/N) seems to engrossed in a conversation but in reality is miles away, sure that the sudden lack of response from her is because somehow, somewhere one of us slipped up. And I'm wracking my brains trying to figure out when we did something that pushed on her comfort level, when it is that we made her feel uncomfortable. Somewhere between dessert and her suddenly drinking coffee- the same coffee she'd shared a look of disgust with Tae hyung over.

I replay the last few moments in my head between the two incidents and realise that perhaps, just maybe it had been when Namjoon hyung talked about how proud her parents must've been.

And feel the sudden swoop in my stomach.

A niggling doubt, the beginning of worry and understanding that maybe (Y/N) doesn't have parents, or a good relationship with them- something that could be triggering and related to family. And unknowingly Namjoon hyung ended up putting his foot in it.

And as time passes by and her eyes meet mine I'm sure the slightly red quality to them isn't out of fatigue and tiredness but emotions welling up to the surface. And it's not only me who's noticed.

"(Y/N), are you tired?" Jin hyung asks, face expressing concern as he leans to take the cup from her lax grip, I watch as her fingers easily part from it.

She doesn't even take a moment of hesitation, nodding and tipping her head forward slowly. 

"One of us will drop you back." He offers and even though she shakes her head, the look on his face is non-negotiable.

Her fingers dart into the folds of her skirt to withdraw car keys and shake them slightly.

She'd driven here, she was fine to drive back she was saying.

But I feel a bit of panic stir up at the thought.

Of letting her go home alone when clearly it looks like she needs someone, whether it's the feigned fatigue or the emotional exhaustion I'm suspecting it is; something doesn't sit revolts at the idea of sending her away alone at night when all I want to do is keep her by my side so I can assert she's fine.

"I'll drive you back." Hobi hyung offers, shooting her a sweet soft smile.

But then she points to him questioningly.

How will he get back?

He pauses, brows furrowed as he thinks about that.

"I'll drive too and then bring hyung back with me." Tae hyung offers straightening up, looking downright pleased at his idea and the thought of perhaps going on an excursion afterwards- even if I know he'd be perfectly content with dropping her off too.

Jin hyung nods, acquiescing and she slowly stands up, smiling at Jin hyung who's looking at her.

"Thank you (Y/N) for coming. I hope all your doubts are at rest now." He tacks on at the end, a teasing tone.

She smiles, a shift from the slight retreat into herself.

And then shakes her head.

The affronted look he gives and the laughter it induces is enough to set the ambience into a light-heartedness, almost enough to push away my niggling worry...make me almost consider that I was overthinking it.

She steps out into the hallway, sliding her shoes back on and waving as she leaves, Hobi hyung and Tae hyung following to the sound of Jin hyung and Jiminie hyung telling them to be safe and to see her again soon, door closing behind the three.

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