Chapter 42- stumbling but hands are there to catch me when I fall

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When (Y/N) nods, it's like a burden off my chest has been lifted, feeling my spirits soaring and my smile brightening all because of a simple gesture. Because a part of me had feared whether we'd scared her away when we all piled on and tagged along. Because I knew the comfortability and ease and friendliness she had with Kookie was of a different level.

But though I spot a slightly disgruntled pouting look on Kookie's face when we turn, he's still by far bright and joyous when she shoots him a small understanding smile and when his phone pings and he reads whatever's sent- he cheers up enormously, calling for us to hurry up behind him.

And all of our attention goes to her when we enter the cake shop, to the way her rosy lips part in an oh of surprise and awe, eyes widening and shining with excitement  as she takes in the cakes in the glass display. She has such a happy and overjoyed expression, marvelling such a normal thing but with such a look of marvel that it makes me wonder just how it would be to see the world from those brilliantly expressive eyes. Her doe eyes sparkle and it makes me just want to buy her every cake her eyes stray to, to indulge her beyond measure simply because I feel the need to, because I want to see her smile widen, see those expressive eyes turn to me too.

And I can see the way the maknaes hover around her too, eyes straying from the cakes to her- as if they too are pulled by the silent allure of her sweet expression.

"So what flavour do you like? Which one catches your eye?" I ask, stepping up to her right side.

She bites her lip, pearly teeth catching onto the plump rosiness of her bottom lip, eyes expressing uncertainty, hesitance in which one to choose.

"I like chocolate." Kookie says, causing the other two to echo their own choices. Trying to help her feel at ease in choosing, trying to help her choose too I realise.

What thoughtful babies they are I think.

"I don't mind really. I like trying new flavours." I say.

She turns to look at me, a bit of relief flickering in her eyes as she nods in agreement.

"So take your time deciding, we'll grab a table." I say softly before steering the others away.

She gives me a soft smile, directed just at me, in thanks as she nods- eyes roving carefully over each cake.

We're all seated at the table, laughing, and talking amongst ourselves- the maknaes placing bets amongst themselves about what type of cake she'll choose.

Jiminie's betting on a coffee and chocolate style of cake, Tae's insisting she'll like a cake with fruits- that she looks like she favours classical flavours and Kookie is insistent that she'll try something new and uncommon but also aesthetic.

I smile as they bicker, all insisting that they know her better when suddenly Jiminie's eyes go pass my shoulder, happiness wiped off instantly to be replaced with a hardened look and he's already getting up and storming over- ire and cold rage crackling in his every movement. I turn in haste to see what it is that has caused him to abruptly get up, hear Kookie's chair scrape back too.

I hurry over but Jiminie's already there, glaring at the employee behind the counter who seemed like he'd gone to hand her the tray of cakes we'd ordered but rather than letting their interaction end there, had a hand wrapped around her wrist- keeping her anchored.

His grip looked tight and certainly unwelcomed, given the way she's struggling and her face expresses distress, her body posture screams it.

Jiminie doesn't waste a single second with words, ripping his hand off her wrist and tugging her back, the movement's abruptness causing her to stumble back, feet faltering- but even as my hands go out to steady her, Jiminie's already done it with a hand stabilising her by wrapping around her waist, body stepping behind her so he can support her.

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