Chapter 82- the gift of each other

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I finish wrapping the gift to peer at it with a critical eye, to see if the wrapping paper and ribbon match, if it looks good.

"Tae-ah, she'll love it." Joon hyung murmurs from beside me, having offered to help but had been affectionately banished by Yoongi hyung when his scissor wielding had almost gotten him to accidentally cut himself..

"You really think so? She won't think it's weird...?" I ask tentatively.

Joon hyung is smiling when he shakes his head, fingers tapping against the book.

It's a notebook, the pages filled with his beautiful handwriting and when I really focus on the words, I startle when I see (Y/N)'s name on them.

"Are you writing her something?" I ask curiously leaning over his shoulder to read them, taken aback when he jerks his head and the book gets abruptly shut.

The movement making Yoongi hyung and Hobi hyung turn from where they'd been watching a show to peer with curiosity.

I grin.

"A love letter hyung? Aren't you a romantic?" I tease making a swipe for the book he clutches tightly, not expecting him to jerk his hand back with a look of seriousness on his face.

"It's not a love letter Tae...though that's a good call. It's something else. Something I'm working on with Habaek." He confesses, eyes filled with meaningful depth, flickering as they glance at the book, fingers reflexively tightening around it.

"Working on something with Habaek...about (Y/N)?" I ask, slightly confused. But an inkling of understanding beginning to seep in, slowly filtering in alongside hope, pride.

He nods.

I can feel the attention of the other two hyungs, show completely abandoned as they read the situation, read the meaning behind Joon hyung's words.

"You're helping her aren't you? With help her through her trauma." Hobi hyung says, voice soft and low.

"I am." Joon hyung answers easily.

"All this reading, researching. All those notes and stressful late-night ramblings. It's because of (Y/N), because you don't want her hurting." Yoongi hyung says matte-of-factly but there's fierce pride and love that shines in his eyes.

Even as Namjoon hyung shakes his head.

"Not because of her, but for her." Joon hyung says softly.

I nudge my shoulder with his, looking at him fondly. Namjoon hyung is so fiercely protective and tender hearted and even though he's not broadcasting it, even if he's not saying it, I know just how much he's worried for her, so fiercely dedicated to researching because he wants her to hurt as little as possible. If he could somehow miraculously take her hurts away, if any of us could, then we'd do it in a heartbeat. We'd do it time and time again. So she wouldn't be hesitant about speaking. So she wouldn't be hesitant in revealing those parts of herself.

Essentially I knew time was what she needed. But it didn't mean I was happy about it.

"You met her today didn't you? How did the date go? Still can't believe you wouldn't let it become a three-way date, you never spoil me anymore." I lament aloud, leaning more heavily into his side and huffing dejectedly.

Namjoon hyung laughs, lightly digging his elbow in to try and get me to dislodge.

"You went on a date with the hyungs just two days ago!" he retorts.

And though something playful sparks in his eyes, incredulous fondness and disbelief, something else in them too as his hand draws the book close.

Then sighs, drooping as if an inner weight bores down on his shoulders and back.

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