Chapter 64- the start of something new

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(Y/N) POV:

I expect Taehyung to drive me home, a comforting close companiable silence between us, no longer feeling that heavy weight boring down on my heart anymore. Not for the same reasons. Now I try to fight the warmth of Taehyung's hand that reaches out to squeeze mine, large hand and long fingers- bare of rings for once, encase mine and give a grounding touch.

But when he doesn't take the turn back to my house I turn to him in confusion, tapping his arm when we stop at a traffic light.

He turns to look at me, eyes soft.

"I'm taking you back to ours. The others and I all have something we want to say." He says, smile gentle and voice low and soothing but it still makes me panic, makes me wonder- just what it is they want to say. Whether it'll be them trying to cut me out, tie up loose strings and in their polite endearing manner tell me I have no place in their life.

"Don't worry...Yoongi hyung asked me to bring you back when we were done. They want to see you. Promise." he says, hand coming to snag my wrist, holding me close for a few moments longer, brown eyes shining with sincerity- somehow reading my body language and silent thoughts aptly.

And though his hand snakes over to rest on top of my folded ones as he drives, it doesn't stop my mind from racing, heart squeezing painfully with a mixture of both hope and fear. And once he pulls up in front of a large house, another car waiting in the driveway, the butterflies return in full force- nervous flutters as my stomach begins to twist into anxious knots.

Taehyung's hand moves off mine, the sound of his car door opening as he gets out but I can't make myself move, petrified still.

The door on my side opens, bringing with it a gust of cool wind and the scent of Tae's body wash when he leans in close, hand going to undo the seatbelt for me, body hovering close to me, close enough that the sharp defined lines of his jaw fill my vision, in the same way his messy black curls flop around his eye, finger itching to brush it aside.

"Come on, let's get inside." He says, leaning back and holding his hand out for me, gently taking it and tugging, leading me out of the passenger seat.

I find my feet dragging, slowly moving behind him, unwilling to move closer to the door and after a few steps he stops moving, turns to face me. His hand drops from mine to cup my cheeks, tilting my face up towards him, eyes scanning my face with a slow pace and burning intensity- feeling his eyes leave a scorching trail across my face.

"I promise you have nothing to be scared of. The others want you to be here, I wouldn't do anything to make you uncomfortable- can you trust me?" he asks.

I nod slowly, finding myself relaxing under his comforting gaze and the sincere earnestness in his words.

And when he takes my hand this time, I don't loiter, but match his steps, breath catching at the way his hand squeezes mine whilst the other unlocks the door.

"We're home!" he announces as he leads me in, as if this is normal, habitual- the words making me feel both confused and comforted by the way he includes me as if I belong, as this is my home too.

His words trigger action from the kitchen, a flurry of motion as first Jungkook and Jimin appear, sporting matching grins and smears of light shades of... icing on their cheeks, smatterings of flour on them. And behind them appears Hobi and Namjoon, who move past the doorway and step out into the hallway, walking towards us- eyes bright and lips curving into smiles.

And then behind them all comes a loud voice, a voice that has always been the reason for my smiles. For my silent laughter and for my feeling of safety.

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